school tomorrow

sad but true :<..
nice... bicycle ;p

image: 3SuU8
having winter holidays, 2 weeks free :D
nice fence
yeh too bad it's school tomorrow :< and I was too lazy to do my homework :D Let's hope my teacherz died in a carfire or something.
i there a dick ?
haha omg got scared for a second there :D
at first I was like "zomg girl with a dick hähä !!1!"
then I was like "sad panda it's not a dick :<"
I had school today so don't whine.
har har har
i dont have school tomorrow!

i have martin luther king jr day! yay black people!
Byebye to my 5weeks christmas holiday :(
hf at school, i'll play wow ;d
work tomorrow :<
no school, except me and my wrestling team are running till we puke and cry, according to our coaches LOMAO IM SO FUCKED =[
people still wrestle? thats so 2009...
high school wrestling :o
I've had a thought about making some sort of section where we all can help out with everyones home work :)... would for me ^^
i have school tomorrow :X

2weeks with exams then 1 week without and then holidays whoopwhoop! :D
I have university tomorrow but I do not mind since I will find out about a postgraduate programme I applied for!
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