Oh my god New York Jets

One of the best game ever in the NFL playoffs...ohmfgdshgjs

Enjoy vs. Colts, all respect...

image: New-York-Jets

what a fucking game...gnight everyone! i fucking cant sleep
because u touch urself at night
ask sherlock holmes he knows everything...even predict how the fight will go b4 kick his opponents ass xD
superbowl will be colts vs saints i would guess :P

but i would love if the vikings can suprise me ^^
Fuck the Jets I had to sit and watch them beat my Bengals in the -4 C Cincinnati weather... and I'm a very rabid Bengals fan so I was quite angry and drunk.
One of the best playoff games ever? How many NFL playoff games have you actually watched? I thought it was boring as hell until the last five minutes. I actually wouldn't even consider it the best game of this years playoffs, that award would have to go to the Packers vs. Cardinals.
Agree, Packers vs. Cardinals was a great game; the final score says it all.
Meh, I like seeing at least a little defense. It will be Vikings/Colts in the Super Bowl and it will be a shootout since both defenses will be beat up.
I'm a Vikings fan myself but I think, that Saints are looking very strong; I would love to see Vikings in the Super Bowl though. :)
I would go with Saints/Colts, although I would love to see the Jets making it into the superbowl.
They are somehow my second team thanks to Kevin James :P.
Not following them much in the regular season but always rooting for them to win in the AFC.

But Im still a die hard Bears fan living in Switzerland ^^.
It certainly wasnt the best playoff game ever nor this season's best game, but I would say it was still a nice game, a change after all those blowout games except the GB-ARZ game.

The NFL is more becoming of a passing league with skyrocking scores, etc. so its nice to see a team which still believes in a running game and a defense (Im a Bears fan.)

I love strong defenses, especially when there are two of em, when every inch counts and the 3rd phase has a big impact in getting good field position or giving the opponents bad ones, not like pass only teams who are facing bad pass defenses, where every throw ends up in a big gain, and points are traded every 2 mins.

Which team are u fan of btw?
I'm all for good defense but when neither team's offense can move the ball the 3 and outs just get annoying. While I will say that the Jets and Chargers played a great game, it just wasn't that exciting to watch because nothing happened until the final six minutes or so (except for the Chargers TD drive, that was nice). If you are going to give me a defensive struggle I would prefer to see awesome hits and nice defensive plays rather than just incompletions and runs directly into the pile.

I'm a Green Bay fan but I still enjoyed the GB v Cards game even though my team lost.
Oh I agree with that completely but the Cardinals/Packers game got old after a while. Part of what makes touchdowns awesome is that they're usually hard to come by.
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