today the most depressive day of the year!

if u woke up this morning feeling shitty, not wanting to go to school/work maybe the most depressive day is affecting on u. cause today is officially the most depressive day of the year. jeeeeej

here's a few pics to cheer u up:

image: Ingrid_Grudke_sexy_model_48e0c3e9c98a6

image: jogarcia2007playboycybeim9
Go commite suicide, now!:
special song for those who feel bad allready
im gay, those pictures didnt cheer me up :(
Way to go the year just started. ;-)
Depressing Day my ass, it's sunny today instead of mind boggling snow storms!
Lies. I felt awesome waking up this morning.
Actually this morning was better than usually.
and December 29th is the day people feel most guilty.
wsk are you drunk?
not yet. you?
neinnnnnnn but I wish I was! I enjoyed being back on comms the other night.
yea I enjoyed it too until gungy locked me out! :D
Yea he was being a spoil sport! He should know by now that im in charge of ts etc!
In Finland its getting better and better. Days are longer and school is only 5 months. Why be depressed?
i am ill :(
i actually felt pretty good this morning. i woke up with a song that didnt get stuck in my head...i found out i still had 2 eggs and 4 slices of bacon in the fridge...made me a nice cute kitty (some remember her from a "post your desktop" journal) was chilling on my lap while train wasnt delayed...cute girl sitting in front of me in the train... pretty decent day so far!oh and best of all: it wasnt fucking snowing!
You made me happy with the first pic but after the second one i went depressive again...
i'm actually quite abnormally happy today
i did feel pretty down this morning! lulz!
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