sos secret weapons

There was a vid that featured gameplay @ sos with some pro clan (sorry for my lack of ET knowledge) that had a player named Shaggy in it or so I believe.

Would appreciate a link. :)
It was from the aussies
modus operandi ?
hm all links i could find are dead
heya man when is the next season next year? and can i join the clan im a gud player im only 12 but im a god damn good player xD
what the f*ck are u talking about ?
You dont put the * thingy in the middle of your curse word, you replace letter(s). For example; f*ck.
i know..just a typo... better ? :)
k i challange you to a battle versus me, i'll&#65279; kick your ass, im 12th besr of europe, so try to beat me ^^ (btw im also looking for a good clan)

and whats the song in the end called?
Hey there, thanks for your comment!

I'm sure they don't let people on computers for long at the mental institution you live in so I appreciate that you spent that time on my YouTube channel.

When you see somebody pointing a gun at an enemy player, and the gun is firing, you're hearing hitsounds, the enemy player dies and "You killed..." appears on the screen, the player fucking killed the other guy. Using aim.

Thanks for&#65279; stopping by!
why aint we playing this map?:D
i thought we do nowadays ? :)
There was a brief moment in some cup, that sos_secret_weapons was included. Never seen it played in any other cup though..
seems like im wrong :P saw it in a maplist of some low-cup and thought it have to be played a lot then ^^
Your .b2 squad will be playing adler, delivery and supply on a switching basis anyway, as far as I got to know Soccer and Stig ;)
better choice then playing a map they never played in a scrim :P but jeah i guess delivery and supply are fine for me.. adler sucks :P
nice vid :) liked it
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