unhit oO???

what ping makes a player most unhittable in your opinion ?

98-100 imo :p

image: img_9215
If what people keep telling me is true, then being Dutch with 48 ping and crouching makes you extremely unhittable and unskilled.
Quote by R0SSfreeze squall then nl dreamteam perfo/tekoa/m1lk/aza with their crouching shit.
98 ping + 43 fps + cl_maxpackets 100 apparently made me unhittable on vacation in poland. Maybe it was just the country flag though.
unstable ping like 55-70 but every time ur unhittable u cant hit much ur self either
you can if you are used to it :P
i always hated to play against jews, but then again im german.
hate ppl who say, that being unhitable cuz of some lags/unstable fps is advantage. as said lettu, you cannot hit either and its fcking annoying!
learn how to move instead, maybe you will hit even better then.

edit:not specific ping, just unstable one.
unstable ping.if someone got 100 stable ping is ok, but when it jump is fucking unhit as fuck ;d hate players whit 50 ping jumping to 250 in duel.
I don't know why but people call me the worst hitable player in ET :/
i dont know what does it take to lag... but i lag as hell and i can shoot a whole clip into a crouching player sitting eating a hotdog and i wont hit him :<

100ping 30fps :<
it could also just be your aim :D
it very well could!
Im not Unhit, I just have good movements
dutch guys sometimes with 48 = WTF
french or polak, and freeze ofc ( shiiiiiiiiiiiiit unstable piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing rageeeeee D: :D )
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