QuoteI've tried to boot my computer, tho it gets stuck right after the starting screen appears.. can't get into the BIOS nor press any button. What to do?

So I started to remove all USB-devices and plugged everything off the BIOS to see if it might be a hardware-failure. Seems like the hardware works perfect.. So I tried to boot with another HDD to see if my HDD was somehow fucked because of some boot-sectors or shit like that -> the other HDD didn't work as well!

an1mal told me to do the following steps
QuoteDoes it memtest? because if it doesnt, then it doesnt get past POST and you gotta send back the mobo

Try doing a CMOS reset or take out the battery from the BIOS and then reboot if that doesnt work take a huge magnet and rub it over your HDD.

it doesn't memtest, I just see the starting screen with an acer symbol, and the coolers are running normaly! but yet again I removed the BIOS-battery to reset CMOS, didn't work as well..

So, does anyone of you might have another solution for his? cba to spend like 100€ or even more for a technician!
well you should also use the cmos jumper, google forhow to do a cmos retart por look into your mobo's manuell. Also try only using 1 stick of ram. Could be alot of things but you didn't say if you just build the PC or if it just crashed and what you did before that and so on, so give some more infos and maybe someone can help you.
well, the PC used to crash while playing ET or other games. Then yesterday it crashed while playing cod4 and I couldn't boot it anymore! The PC is two years old, already tried to boot with 1 ram stick and didn't work as well.

I already did a cmos restart by removing the battery and putting it back inside!
for how long did you keep it without battery? you should keep it like 10 mins and try to startup comp. >_> or then just use the cmos jumper!
Did you have any gfx artifatcs in games or similar? Did you ever check the Temperatures? Might just be that your power supply died tho. What are the exact specs of that pc?
AMD 4800+
ATI Radeon HD 4850

actually I never had any artifacts, just windows used to look fucked up with colours from time to time. Might be because I've changed my GFX-card 2 months ago. Never really checked the temp., just tried to touch the hardware if it might be overheated, but everything was ok.

if it's the power supply, would the PC even start? I mean the coolers are running, I see a starting screen.. :/
Well when my psu died the coolers ran but the PC didn't so that might be the cause also a hd4850 is total overkill for that CPU. I'm actually pretty confident it's the PSU but only if it's a noname one. If it is i'd suggest you get a decent 450w corsair or Be quiet with enough amps because the hd4850 needs a lot of juice.

e: I'd suggest before going out and buying anything that you first, do a real cmos restart, then if that doesn't work try only one stick of ram. And if that fails it's probably the PSU but if it's a cheap one it MIGHT have fried some of your components.. Best bet, get a decent PSU, you'll need it anyway and if that doesn't work chances are something else is fried and you'd need to visit a shop or contact your mobo/gfx vendor and get some stuff rma'd
voltage regulators might be fucked :|
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