Sooo ... my Mom closed my gaming thumb in a door

After leaving hospital last night (where they did fuck all):
image: 17939_562124777519_223802958_3966376_3956429_n

Thumb, 5 mins ago:
image: 17939_562147576829_223802958_3967527_5796514_n
id fuck her up
milk makes thumb strong said my physics teacher
im sorry sir but we have to cut off your thumb
du auch? ...

It's "ouch" :(
not in belgium or holland
we dont say auch
yeah but u arent dutch, ur some kind of lower lifeform
ohh you like me <3
havent got anything against u ;D
common baby light my fire
grammar nazi mode

It's "come on" are do you want a common baby to light your fire?

pedo :(
haha :D

owned :) was just citing some lyrics of the doors
hehe, funny you mention the doors, was just listening to riders on the storm <3
i love it when nails get injured they look so nice and also not painful :)
Heres a nice nailing injury for your pleasures

image: Penisbruch
thumbs up
Did they laugh at you and send you home @ hospital? :))))))))))))))
Bet it stings :p
you should've seen my both big toes when they got smashed; left one involved an accident when a table fell onto it and the right one involved drv4c stepping on it, a LOT of blood in both cases

now both nails grow out weirdly shaped and hard like concrete :<
the nails look monstrous indeed
Need wheelchair now?
nah, just need 3 sizes bigger shoes :<
pics or it never happend
got! just have to find
youre not in nc lu anyways
when i was little i played in the space between the door and the wall, and the teacher came and shut down the door and owned 4 fingers of mine. they were red for a week
A couple of years ago a woman on a train asked me to open a window. Since it was jammed shut I used two hand to try and pry it open and ended up getting my left index finger jammed in a sort of crevasse when it flew open.

Ended up losing a big chunk of skin and cracking my fingernail. Or so I thought...

There was so much blood that I couldn't really see but when I got to the hospital, the doctor said my fingernail wasn't there. :o

So I checked my glove and it was still in there! In one big piece.

Nothing to impress a woman like bleeding and crying.
There was no crying!

...but I was in agony. :(

As soon as people saw the blood, about 10 of them offered my tissue haha. Never seen anything quite like it. The guilt of the woman who asked me to open the window was hilarious...
The least she could have done was give you a press-on fingernail to replace yours :(
or a blowjob
reason why?
She was tired of his shit.
Why is there still dried blood on your thumb? Do you not wash?
Just got out of bed -> take picture (priorities, duh)
I cut the tip of my thumb off but on my left hand was pretty sore for 2/3 weeks :(
stings :x I once sawed off the tip of my pointing finger!
after taking a look on your fingers/hands I'd honestly need to ask: grandpa, is it you?
in all fairness, its not THAT bad :D
I guess that's why torturers put bamboo under the fingernails of prisoners of war, because "it doesn't hurt that bad".
Read first part of sentence, thought it was gonna be a Shuki-HoN-joke.

I didn't want to torment people with an agonising joke which would lead to a chain reaction of bad jokes and surely lead to impalement of bonds formed with this crossfire community.
I actually want to kiss you.
had a similar accident with my big toe when I kicked the couch with full force (don't know why) and the pain was severe, couldn't fucking sleep.. :D It took nearly a year for the nail to detach completely
Take it like a man and dip it in salt!
probably you will die
so not coming to lan? ^^
i once dropped a couch on my penis now its weirdly shaped
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