helloooo, witch mouse would be better to use for mw2
g5 or mx518!!!
Logitech MX518
mx518 -
mx518 or deathadder
deathadder, mx518, ime
stop with this mx518 pls have you ever tryed something else ?
ye deathadder, lachesis, copperhead, hama shit mouse, etc.
nah not really lol
Deathadder and Kone
g5 is best in my opinion but its (in finland) like 60€. mx518 is good and cheap yeah
ur gay man
u dont need a "gaming" mouse ur low anyway
haha u got mw2?
my mx518 was only 27 euro's
bought one few weeks ago
I'd say intelli 3.0 for low sens ( no need for the big dpi machines )
If you are highsens player I would go a for or a laser mouse : G5, G9
Or go for optical mouse with higher dpi: Mx518, Razer deathadder(some weird laser xD, but good one ;)), razer diamondback 3G

That's all I can think of atm:p

Maybe someone has experience with steelseries ikari laser/optical....
da is not a lazer mouse ;)
I know, that's why I wrote special laser, they call it the 3G LASER but it's more optical when it comes down to qualities, like lesser chance of getting neg accel...
logitech pilot optical
I couldn't live without mouse 4/5, sprint on 4 +activate with leaning on 5 :S
You have the weirdest settings([like mouse 2 walk forward or sth) anyways mr ragnarok, yes I remember playing basrace with you almost 2.5 years or so ago :p
hehe good memory =)

and yes i also need m4 and m5 for nade and packs =)

and yes weirdest movement binds =)
mx510/mx518/deathadder/Intelli 3.0

Or you could get this phone/mouse hybrid:
image: Razer_Naga_4b31b9604e812
kej one question, where do you put your thumb? On the buttons even when u don't want em to be pressed??:<
When you get this mouse, I would expect that you would be so incredibly pro that you would have no need to rest your thumb. It should always be mashing away on buttons for various things such as weaponswitching, toggling stuff and even when you are pro enough just ditch the keyboard all together and program your move keys to the sidekeys.
16000apm much ? + u can eat with ur other hand and get fat @ wow
mx518/deathadder/ime 3.0

ye what hope said but it's true :p
mx518 imo
dEaTHaDDeR foR SuRE, mX518 suX
MX518 forsure
it is personal preference

IME3.0 is the most logical choice, definitely the best performance for the best price, sensor RAPES themx518/da sideways and is much cheaper (and I'm not even using one so I'm not biased! :D)

most people in this thread will just tell you to get the mouse they have, which is where the mx518 spam comes from
Roccat kone!!!!
Depends what mouse you're using atm, I switched from a mouse which is almost exactly the same dimensions and weight and shape as the MX518 to a Deathadder but I sold it because I couldn't get use to the shape and it was hard to grip, I ordered an MX518 today purely because I researched the dimensions and weight and its basically the same as the mouse I'm using atm so comfort shouldn't be an issue.

tl;dr = Get whatever you think would fit your hand best
G500 without a doubt
DeathAdder's the best, no matter what game you're playing. BUY IT MAN
mx518 ofc!
deathadder all the way although mw2 sucks :/
deathadder ofc
deathadder ofc
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