Fops in 5on5

We were discussing the fops in 5on5 and we came to the conclusion that a lot of fops postitions that were useful in 6on6 are now rather obsolete. In most 5on5 matches you play with 2 engineers and 3 medics with occasionally someone switching to fops.

So how can the fops be more of use in 5on5. Maybe increase the chargebar?
I'd like to know what you guys think!

Special thanks for m1ke's time and input in this journal already!

image: roflstranger
give dyno to the fop class.

e: moaning cause u cant be fop all the time not doing objective throwing random strikes that never hit anything and make journals on cf.... (spare me your Tag fag discussions)
You missed the point obviously, kamz fan I assume.
go moan about 5v5....
There is a difference between moaning and trying to improve gameplay. But as I said before, you obviously missed the point.
You obviously think differently about the fops being less effective. Please share your point of view in stead of pointlessly flaming around.
Here is the story.

A dude like you got owned with mortar and then got on vent with his 5 friends and discussed how this would be avoided. Solution: remove Mortar

A dude like you got owned with prone and then got on vent with his 5 friends and discussed how this would be avoided. Solution: prone delay

Now you are moaning cause you can't manage the classes in ur team and pick a class when you NEED it.
Funny, as this point wasn't brought up by any of the tag members.
like it matters if it was by tag..... if u cant manage managing the fop class in 5v5 (e.g. u cant have 5 mans doing obj and 1 spawnstriking) dont moan that the gameplay needs changing
lol you suck
yes i do, but i dont moan that the game needs changing because i do
no i didn't mean in ET. you simply suck. dicks/streetlights at the bottom/more dicks/... and most of all your argumentation sucks. but yea you might suck in ET as well.
wow, you are the greatest!
You call it moaning, I simply put up a point of view here. I don't feel it the gameplay needs to change neccisarily at all. Just wanted to get some pov's from other people by putting up this journal.
Actually prone was removed cause you had no other choice but to use it. It killed 1vs1, made the game more random and it really killed 1vs1 :) The thing with prone was you had to use it or you would loose to many 1vs1 vs guys going from standing to prone in 0.01 ms. Mortar was the same story, nobody liked the weapon but you were forced to use because it gave an advantage.
yeah, i was thinking the same. Give fops the ability to plant and defuse dynas and hes be way more usefull. Engi would still be able to plant mines ofcourse :)
switch back to 6on6 :)
go back to 6v6, i can already play 3v3 if i want the gameplay of 5v5
How can it be even slightly similar when you have so much more spam in 5vs5 than 3vs3?
I think its quite good actually, basicly it requires more allround skill from the fops (he has to be able to handle eng skill aswell)

no changes needed imo

E: obv 6vs6 > *
or the 3 medics just switch fop every round or when needed.
But then you play with 2 medics sometimes, wich is fail

or did u mean smth else?
the opposing team has to do the same, so wise fop managing and changing between classes is needed. you just cant have a fop trough the whole map
True thing, that was my point I was trying to make (at wich I obv failed, since you didn't understand it that way)
You should have a fops switching to medic and a medic switching to engi. So charge isnt a problem that much. And when u dont use that 2nd engi get him back to medic and the medic to fops again.

Demands good communication but its best as far as i know.
that solves the charge issue for one (2-3 max, if all medics change classes) spawnround, or am I mistaking?

since if you change back to your original class (at wich you wasted your charge), you wont have charge

i'm not sure about this though
well if u switch back to your orignal class youd have a medic going fops. so unless u spammed medpacks like hell you would have charge as fops. and the engi would have planted and go medic and thus can still revive and medpacks dont take too long to regaine.
its the charge you waste as fops wich will be there if u respawn as fops afaik

so in case you are fops, you strike, selfkill go medic (dont even drop 1 medpack), selfkill go fops, you wont have charge
well its true, ur charge will be empty thats why i stay sometimes another spawn engi when i make at back on supply so my charge fills back and then spawn back to medic with full engi charge, same goes for fop.
same thing here, I always thought I was one of the only players who did that
hehe well i always find it good, u got at engi 4 nades which u can spawn nicely over whole spawn, so u dont loose any gameplay meanwhile u stick to engi to get charge back :p
you seem to be exactly the same type of player that I am :D
ahaha well, im trying to learn every class, so when its needed no prob to swich to engi/fop or anything else :)
he just doesnt have the brainpower to do that or something...
Nerf or remove rifle.
played some 5vs5 yesterday and I totally agree with the rifle being even more overpowered than it used to be. engineer and fops have become much weaker, basicly the game now is all about having 4 aimbots and a decent rifle :'(
its ridiculous

you're forced to have 3 medics at all times lest be a slave to the rifle
gif fops dyno!
pointless, leave it as it is
pro fops has talked!
more pro than you, that's for sure
I wasn't sarcastic m8..
well, nvm then
give fops panzerfaust
Is it just the stupid tag humor or is it really that complicated to play with 5 players?
2 complicated i guess and so the moaning and searching for improved gameplay quest begins!
Where does it say it is complicated to play with 5 players?
All I'm saying is that the fops class is less effective in 5on5 than it was in 6on6.
We would like the fops to be as effective again as in 6on6, others might not, that's why I bring this up for discussion.
well if u know how to run fop, there shouldnt be any probs to be effective on 5on5 same as on 6on6.
the class is as effective as the player.
What makes it less efficient? Remember there are also less players to kill.
That's a fair point indeed.
best point so far
you dont have to be a deuce cause we thought you were too low to play with us
As if I would so childish to base my comment on that thing :D But I'm getting pissed of all this 5on5 whine. Especially when it doesn't change the game too radically.
reduce the spam even more!
it's not useless if you know how to play it in 5v5
make him a tutorial pls.
wnb omegle pic
Not useless, but certainly not as useful as before
Its just fine as it is. :)
would have no chance against this kitticat :D
you @ cic7? then we can test it *grrrr :P
it's still usefu,l ammo always important + you still can spawnstrike in 5v5
who cares if you kill only 2 instead of 3.
I hate 5on5 mostly cos it killed fops

and I play fops

so 5on5 killed me

fucking murderers
cant kill what has no life..

I had a life, I was wandering in the great green plains of supply and in big deserts of oasis and goldrush, you could also find me lying on the beaches of battery and beach and in the snowy mountains at frostbite and railgun...

life was good...
tag faggot :))) getting rolled everywhere and everyday by skilled ppl
jeah just watch that movie
Just cause you remove one player doesnt mean we want more spam! take away arty just have airstrike imho!
take away rifle.. no more overpowerd shit please :-[
Youre right thats a tricky question.
Imo as fops you have to play way more defensive now, set artillery more often to just defend the objective rather than setting it offensive, to kill some people who are just about to spawn for example. same with airstrikes, its just a waste of charge to throw and offensive airstrike (airstrike at supply first stage as axis for example).
its just that chances of killing people have reduced as the amount of players in the opposite team shrank whereas maps are the sime size and offer the same possible attack ways (usually 3)
Actually its much more challenging class to play now what it should be. A class what only true masters can handle and noob taking it is like playing 4vs5.

And i really hope not to see any humm3l-fops running around now!

no, srsly 3 meds & 2 fops or 3 meds & 2 engies are the only workin combinations in def
u obviously dont play with a good fops.
anyone saying "take away the rifle" is a retard

not meez though, he is awesome anyway
Fops should switch to medic and eng to be beneficial at times e.g. 2 medics 2 eng 1 fop wouldn't be very helpful.
I hate 5on5 mostly cos it killed fops

and I play fops

so 5on5 killed me

fucking murderers
trying to have a normal conversation on crossfire ... maybe you should have tried 4chan. more chance of getting something meaningful out of it.
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