Put a pc together

Oki, I have around €500-600 to spend on a pc. I don't want an uberpc, just a well functioning pc which will be able to play future games at least on a minimum, and ofc it has to provide 125 ( never been able to play with that :w ). I already have a screen, keyboard, speaker system and ofc mouse.

E : Is there a company or site in Belgium that might buy my pc ? Cuz I once heard of it, but can't remember it.
you need anything else for PC to work : O?
get a decent cpu cooler
overclock your e6300 (~3.0ghz shouldn't be a big problem):)
get ati hd5870
oh and ofc decent ram for oc such as g.skill or ocz
the thing is, my mobo doesn't allow me to overclock :s
change mobo then
So what do you suggest ?
asus p5q deluxe/turbo
what is the benefit having good ram ? never understood, can you explain please ?
I have kingmax 800mhz, it was cheap and easily go on 880mhz (didnt try more)
the e6300 has a multiplier of 7 and needs a lot of fsb for e.g 3 ghz
but lets compare the e5200 and e6300
e5200: 2,5 ghz stock, 12,5 multiplier (200x12,5)
e6300: 1,86 ghz stock, 7 multiplier (266x7)

while the e5200 just needs 288mhz fsb for 3,6ghz the e6300 would need 514(!!!) mhz fsb
thats a lot more and the ram has to be a ddr2 1333 or 1600 if I remember right
the e5200 just needs ddr2 800 for 3,6ghz
take e6750 or e8400, best duo cores for OC
dunno lol had 4,0 ghz with ma e5200
over 1,45 vcore though :D
h3h3.. nais
got 4.4ghz with my 1.37 vcore :D
my cpu scales nice till 3,8ghz but after that I have to increase the vcore a lot ;[
do not want
Ram dosent need to be linked or synched with fsb to overclock , he can overclock using unlinked option keeping his normal ram speed and still getting 3.6ghz with the proccesor.
I know but the e6300 need too high fsb :P
what latency you got?
dont really know but not bad imo, gonna check it, what counts as "good" with an expensive ram ?
ddr2 = 4-4-4-12
ddr3 = 7-7-7-18

good but can be better
mine ddr2 i guess, going on 5-5-5-18 but didnt try set it better yet..

so what can i expect with better timings ?
keep me informed ;]
so what can i expect with better timings ?
less numbers = less delay for access, write, read n stuff
it increase your computer response
Maybe ask on some hardware site instead of the all-knowing community crossfire?
got a packet for 700euro inc. 22" widescreen monitor

i can play all new games on highest quality, not that smooth with AA tho, but thats for wankers
don't be jealous cause you cant use AA
oh please.. :p
Go for a i5 build or maybe an AMD Phenom, im guessing you wont need a monitor,mouse,keyboard, maybe case etc so you have 600 to spend on graphics mobo ram,power supply. cba to spec you one
the thing is, I rly don't have a lot knowledge 'bout that. Any site where they can help me further ?

Have a read around there, if you post your budget and your needs people will spec you a decent pc, although they are UK based at least it might help you choose your components
Well thanks :)
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