Rock climbing

Anyone here do it? If so, what sort of stuff do you climb and grades etc

I'm starting back up bouldering and doing a few climbs to get myself back into it as I've not been since last summer ;_;
Usually end up teaching the youngsters trying to get them into the sport/fitness and push them to their limits but still go off with some mates climbing. Me loves to dyno <3

What sort of exercises do you lot do to keep in form when not climbing? Looking for more forearm work outs (currently just using dumbells @ high reps)

Great phitness for all you nerds out there too! alexL eat your heart out :_)

Some of my fav clips


Get few tips from Bear
just climbing chicks every now and then
now that's wacked
snowboarding > climbing
I <3 rock climbing
I always go on holidays with friends comlimbing for like a month, love it :D
Some like them larger, no need to tease him about it.
handball(in the past)/ping pong(now)/fap fap (coming soon)
<3 handball, playing it for 11 years now :)
i was playing it for like 2-3 years then stopped because its not so popular here like football ^^ and i remember i had other stuff to do (gaming or school or whatever)

keep it going!
surely will ;)
used to climb 5c or smth when I was young. stopped due to lack of flexibility :D:D
Remember seeing an indoor frame you could buy which was like a small open pyramid which climbers used to practice holds etc - did try and google but couldn't find it
Used to do it quite a lot when i was in Wales, Snowdonia etc, but that was mostly without ropes n just free climbing. Havn't been in a while but its good fun and excersise fo sho!
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