multiple internet connections

so recently i got a wimax usb modem for my laptop and in the evening it's just laying near me not being used
so i wonder if it's possible to use it in my main PC to:
1) dl some torrents via it separately without any lag ingame at my main connection
2) enhance some downloads in some dl manager using both connections to DL one file
etc etc
e: since some guys misunderstood - i need to use TWO connections on ONE pc
though all smarties are already sleeping and i expect only retards in this journal.

pic for fags
image: 481391554
gif is fun :)))))
my cursor rolled those bitches!
You gif-stealer...

But, back to your question. Yes, it is possible.
Get your self a router, connect both through that and depending on what router you get, you can limit the bandwidth to each machine.
i have a single wan port router ;s
and wtf i dont need to limit anything
i have 1 PC and 2 internet connections, need to control/combine/separate them
was a cool party with all you - cursors !! ":D"

[ger]Dann brauchste ja entweder einen Splitter bei der Telefonsteckdose für 2 Dsl-Router oder was du da hast. Dann kann das Packet ja entweder in den einen Router und dann weiter oder in den anderen Router und dann an den Pc.
Anderst würde es bei mir iwie keinen Sinn machen (z.B vom einem Router abzwacken auf den anderen Router :S)

Und iwie musste dann dem Pc/Torrent sagen, dass er die Verbindung vom einten oder anderen Router "nehmen" muss, das kannste mit einem Link Loadbalancer machen und dein Router muss das unterstützen. Mit Policy Based Routing kannst(Eine Load Balancing Funktion sprich gleichzeitiges Nutzen von der Brandbeite) du im Router für unterschiedliche TCP oder UDP Ports unterschiedliche Next Hop Gateways definieren. Das heisst z.b. Torrent über den einen Router und die Netzkarte und dann das andere Zeugs über den anderen Router und die Netzkarte. Dafür muss man aber die Skripts einzeln zusammenbasteln.

Vill Spass :D [/ger]
netlimiter will do the trick, and you can use that with only 1 modem.
For two seperate connections you need two main lines coming into your house.
Can't imagine doing this with one line, only with an ISDN box you can generate two main lines from the one coming into your house but then still I would think the one line will create jitter on the other since there is only 1 physical cable coming into your house.
oh my god i guess you all misunderstood.
im not using my laptop when im at home
i need to plug it in my main PC and use both connections on it, one for downloading & one for gaming.
I think I get it now, so you have a usb modem for a GPRS/HSDPA type network.
And a normal line which you use for your pc normally.
And you want to use both "connections" on one pc, this is possible but afaik the network controller on your mobo will just hub the connection, making two into one.

I did this before with my laptop using my iPhone (3G network) as modem and enabling my wireless for my home network.

I never tried seperating them and afaik you can't, though as I said before, installing a netlimiter on your pc might do the trick.. though I never did this before I think a netlimiter enables you to reserve a certain amount of bandwith for the seperate programs like ET or your torrentclient.

But again I can't say if it will work 100% to avoid lagg, it might help a bit, it might help a lot. Try it and find out is my advice.
You'll still need separate ISP connections, a modem is not enough!
If can prioritize gaming shit before bulk downloads (torrent, ftp, http) to get a more stable latency though.

If you actually do have two connections, it is possible to route through different interfaces based on criteria. I could do it easily on linux, but i have no clue how to do it on windows!
wouldn't a netlimiter do the same, but software-wise with one line. I know it is not 100% the same as being able to seperate the interfaces by hardware but obviously windows doesn't have that option.
:ooooo smartie detected :O)

yes ISPs are totally different

such a thingy
image: 2009-04-09_175225

you plug it in and then a wimax network adapter appears:
image: bfz4mdtgidix7m21c

just launch the login utility and you're connected
so i get both ADSL connection via the family router and this one via the usb stick so ye the network controllers are different
image: bfz4nqx4r5vuh6cpc

but how the hell do i assign connections to different processes or smth to separate them for different needs independently :S
Ok i admit i joined in the disco for few seconds :s
edit: again after my comment lol
me too, I can't say no :D
yes me too :D
cool story pidar
Quote1) dl some torrents via it separately without any lag ingame at my main connection

main connection @ default - for torrents, www etc.
second via static routing, check command route and add ip's et servers/vt etc.

Quote2) enhance some downloads in some dl manager using both connections to DL one file
etc etc

it's impossible @ windows
I'm dancing with that loner-girl-cursor at the right side, she likes me.
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