Mouse broken or not?

Hello guys, I need your help

During game sometimes my mouse refuses to work, it kind of "freezes/disconnects for a second" but afterward when the freezing is over, there's no problem and the mouse reacts well... So basically sometimes it just freezes/disconnects ^^

Is my mouse broken or is there a way to fix this?

If broken: Can anyone recommend any good mouse (i'm a highsens player)
stop spaming cf with shit journals
this is serious shizzle my friend!
look for cable errors.
blame etbot
rub it's belly and give it some cheese and it will run just fine :)
K I tried but it says it doesn't like cheese, any other suggestions sir?
mice can't talk :P
i have had same issues few months ago, i thought that my almost 3years old mx518 is dead, i bought new mouse and it was doing the same. So I thought my mobo is getting old (overclocked CPU so would be surprised), but then i realized that it was doing only on radar and gr around to bridge (generally considered as most unstable fps places), so i reinstalled graphic drivers and its all back in normal.
Thanks for help, And problem is it happens on all maps, and ad random, so :'(
Quotegenerally considered as most unstable fps places

je hebt gwoon shit fps janet
Ik heb fps genoeg homo!
had the same problem with my mx518, it's broken...

but why don't you simply try a different mouse and test it ?
Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1A
got the same probs with my copperhead and another cheap logitech, but dunno how to fix :D
so i got used to it, started around 4 months ago, way too lazy to buy new one!
G5 is a nice mouse.
do not trust logitech anymore, since it's the shit that's broken now xD
How long do you have this mouse?
1 jaar ofzo
Lol, ik heb mijn logitech al 4j bijna, werkt nog altijd perfect. Zorg dragen hé :D
Ik draag daar zorg voor jonge, da's brol, as ik iets op de grond zou smijten uit frustratie zou et mijne headset zijn! :d
btw wa vind ge van dit liedje: "Nneka - Heartbeats (chase & status remix)" :)
Het gaat wel maar keb een nieuwe muis nodig die wel werkt da k weer kan pwne ipv int midde van t aimen ineens nie te kunne bewege:x
ik heb ne G5 & die werkt echt al 3-4j perfect.
Happy 4 you, die van mij niet dus fuck logitech! :-D
Ik heb ooit ook met een zalige muis van Razer gespeeld, weet niet meer hoe die noemt.
nah ja als ge der op komt laat ge et ma weten! :<
you should take the cord out of the mouse and solder it back together
+1. I did that my self... cut away the bad part of the cable about 3cm, and soldered the cables back together. Works just as good as I bought it.
Just ur mouse or the entire game? If the entire game freezes for a split second its prolly pb flooding your cpu. Check if you have the same on a non-pb server and if your fps drops when it happens.
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