Good Morning!!!111

Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

Let’s start with a little quote of my last morning-journal…

Quote by alhriiiiiiiic keep the morningjournals alive!! :D

… I second that! Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Germany wsk, Estonia infi_ wake up!

Talking about Germany wsk … welcome back from your trip which I suppose was horrible!? :D

Moving on…
What are you guys up to today?
I am sick. Means runny nose, cough and hoarseness. After a long discussion with two people I called in sick at work. My boss is pretty layed back, so she said I can come on Monday or next Thursday. Yehaaaa..
So I guess I’ll spend my day with msn, music and tea coffee. Tho I really should start working for my exams.

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee as usual, paracetamol, cough syrup and vitamins.

Plans for the weekend?
Gna visit friends of mine on Saturday eve. Rest of the weekend… uhm I dunno yet. Got the house for myself tho… mhmmmmmmmmm …

Anything special happened to you last week?
Well… I think the only special thing that happened to me is that one of the housecrickets we feed to our spiders escaped (second time naow!!!) and OFC! turned up again in my room. I image: n46w5x it tho. :DDD
OH and got my "very own little fragmuwiethingy" :D

I guess… that’s it. Your turn!

Shoutouts to:
Netherlands Dezire, Mauritania andyy, Germany wsk, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Anonymous Snug, Anonymous pZyko, Germany FaKy, Bosnia Hercegovina woDka, Czech Republic muflon, Anonymous schnee, New Zealand iiky, Germany snip0z, Turkey #velerion, Anonymous and ofc the rest of the Germany #faggotfamily and Anonymous you!

Join #faggotfamily (we have image: 2zr002v !!)

image: 1241598976676ur9j
Random Song eheh... didididididididi <3 :D
image: fmidyx

Cheerio! & enjoy!

sry for meh english :(

*edit: I forgot one special thing !!!!! I bought myself a image: 2hns1sz which is special cuz I was looking for those for ages and naow I finally found them and that made me very happy!!!1111 :D It's the simple things in life, people! :D

cmon wsk, it takes ages for youre reply...
lol started 3 times already, had couple of calls and clients coming in... gotta make one more call, give me 10 minutes :D
10 moar minutes?S??!??!?S?S?!?S/s1/oneoneone!!!Eleven!!!!
Good morning Anonymous PaRzies! and Fiji Crossies!

ah uhm thanks for the "welcome back" :D

well I can't tell the whole story of my trip here cause it would make the journal explode. I can only say there were things included such as a mexican quasimodo, couple of grandmas, a 30 year old tv, red light, purple carpets, mummies, a power failure, cold egg and many more! Gonna tell you the details later on I guess :p

Moving on
What am I up for today...
Like everyday in the office: survive! Today seems to be the "let's-call-wsk-and-torture-him-day" and I'm kinda pissed about that already. Boss aint here though today, so at least he wont call me every 2 minutes.

my breakfast
I didnt have anything yet, but I got a chocolate croissant in my drawer. It's as big as a man's arm and looks yummy, think I am gonna eat it after I finished this reply.

My upcoming weekend
gonna go out for dinner with my gf and her parents cause she finished that exam thingy rly well and we didn't 'celebrate' it yet... Besides that no big plans, mainly waste my time online, I guess.

Anything special happend to me last week(-end)
As you might have noticed I spent the last whole weekend online, getting drunk alone home in front of my pc, twice. I almost died from breathing in my mirabellen-schnaps, gungy is my witness!

Hmm that fragmoviethingy makes me curious, I want to see it!

Updated shoutout

Fiji parzi, Anonymous schnee, New Zealand iiky, Austria mia and the other Europe grRRRlz
Estonia infi, Germany cutty, Costa Rica gungy, Baden-Württemberg noor, Finland thomm
everyone from Europe iNm, Sweden faggotfamily + United States of America bd
and Europe everyone else

related youtube vid / adhesive - phone in sick (one of my ALL time fav. :]

pheeew, now I am tired.

e: we need a preview function.
e²: get well soon :*
e³: image: bild0024h
"I almost died from breathing in my mirabellen-schnaps" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
yea, just laugh about me dying :DDD
i'm laughing about the sentence ofc!!!!111 x)
awesome edit at ur picture :DDDDDDDDDD
yes, I was already thinking 'bout becoming a photoshop pro for a living ;D
funny story bro
Quote by wskmy breakfast
I didnt have anything yet, but I got a chocolate croissant in my drawer. It's as big as a man's arm and looks *gungy, think I am gonna eat it after I finished this reply.

my shoutout, where?
Status: Online
Viewing: Viewing a journal

ieeeh fisch :(
What are you guys up to today?
Walked to College. Found out my timetable has changed. Will get some food, go home, sleep for a bit, listen to some music, games, dunno.

What do you have for breakfast?
Nothing, I woke up, put my clothes on and walked here.

Plans for the weekend?
Quiet, maybe hit the local pub. Saving for next weekend, 4 nights at some other city for best friends 19th.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Finished my uni application. Bumped into an old friend. My ET team died and CC7 plans in disarray.
No meez no joy.
What am I up for today:
I don't have to go to work and that makes me happy :D
I'm going to meet my girlfriend and then having some fun :P

my breakfast:
I didnt have anything yet, but I drank coffee. Think I am gonna eat @ 11am.

My upcoming weekend
going to smoke some water pipes @ friday
saturday: playing @ football cup and going to the disco after this cup.
Sunday i'll watch bundesliga and spending time with my home boys.

Anything special happend to me last week(-end)
i was sick. montay - sunday :X! but my girlfriend was sick too :D haha
couldnt see her the whole week and ye it was kinda boring.

soz 4 engrish
thx bb
i like the random chick

doing nothing

ate toast

play some compjuter games


paracetamol - mmmmmm yummy
morning, now going to the local pub and all day wank around doing nothing cause I like doing nothing

image: nisam_ginekolog
funny t-shirt bro

what does it say?
"I'm not a gynecologist, but I can take a look"
damn the girl is hot!

I'll study today and do some 45mins of intense cycling and some fitness exercises :) have to get in shape for my tennistournaments in 2 weeks!
What are you guys up to today?
Gotta walk to centrum soon, got this intervention with doctor :(

What do you have for breakfast?
Nothing yet, just woked up. Will eat pizza left overs from last night, got 2-3 slices left.

Plans for the weekend?
Well, some work, prolly drinking rest of the time with buddies.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Yes ;)
rofl..but good morning
What are you guys up to today?
Im tired of school because i had to make some exams and stuff for uni, last week and this week. So today im not gonna do much maybe ill go to my horse later hmm.

What do you have for breakfast?
just ate a 'kroket' and a 'broodje kroket' dont know how to translate that guess something like croquette? anyway doesnt matter:D

Plans for the weekend?
Besides that i need to work the whole weekend i dont have plans yet : >

Anything special happened to you last week?
I OWNED ALL MY EXAMS AND MY PRESENTATION, not very special but i know for sure that i passed my module now, so im happy 8)

*edit nice song :
What i'm gonna do : have a shower, and then im gonna visit my mate and probably drink few beers

for breakfast : roll with a ham + coffee

plans for weekend : i wanna meet someone special

something special : 2 days ago i went to my mate's house, and we were drinking, there were also 2 girls, we're all friends. I met them like year ago and one of them seemed to be great, i was trying to be with her and i really fall in love but it didn't really worked out, so i took a break , but some time ago she started to text me and we were talking a lot, but i didn't expect something special, since i thought i have no chances. and i dont know if it's because we drank a lot, or it's because she started to 'like me' but we were kissing a lot and all these things you know, yesterday i tried to phone her but she didnt answer, dunno, today im not going to call her, maybe she needs to think about it, but i really do want to talk with her, because i still love her, im pretty 'scared',

that\s all, have a nice day
What are you guys up to today?
Work a bit

What do you have for breakfast?

Plans for the weekend?
dont know yet

Anything special happened to you last week?
started with my audio in my car
What are you guys up to today?
- HoN, admire myself, masturbate, sleep when I get bored.

What do you have for breakfast?
- Croissants.

Plans for the weekend?
- I don't do "plans", but it'll be the same as every other day.

Anything special happened to you last week?
- Nothing.
What are you guys up to today?
I'm kinda sick today too, same thing as Parzi. Gonna get my haircut today as it's getting abit long, getting in my eyes when I'm trying to play rugby and shit...and then hit the pub, everyone at uni are finished their exams today, I finished tuesday but no one else was to come on the beer with me so today is the day. It's going to be early drinking and very messy!

What do you have for breakfast?
Just some bread.

Plans for the weekend?
Got a big game on saturday and then probably be working saturday and sunday so...can't really do anything.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Not really was just busy in uni with exams so was pretty boring :(
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