HoN clan/team questions

Hey, investigating for a mate of mine here who's getting annoyed with pubs more and more since he's halfway skilled, is there any instance like ClanBase or ESL organizing cups and ladders for HoN and/or a place to look for wars similar to #XonX.et? Thanks in advance.
this journal is now about persons who destroyed et:

Belgium Krosan
he killed the journal also -_-'
in ESL there is instant challenger thing in HoN ladders aswell.
2on2 cb ?
i hate hon
Visit the HoN forums, there is alot of information about cups/tournaments. Also there is a recruitment subforum. And the HoN community aren't working on quakenet with IRC. Dunno the server tough.
Have you tried looking on the internet or the google? There's plenty of good guides out there on how to improve your gameplay. Here are some hints:

1) Tell him to use hotkeys to hold, stop, attack, items, activates. Explain him the advantage of last hitting, explain him denying is of utter importance early game and tell him how to manage a creep line. Managing creep lines is done by denying your own creep when they go over half hp, effectivly pulling back your own creepline towards your own tower. This gives you a way better chance of getting trough the laning phase without dying.

2) Dont play EM. Easy mode is unbalanced. Chars which depend on items are just overpowered. Try playing all pick and learn to play easy chars like:
- blademaster
- arachna
- pyromaster
- with slayer

3) Randoming on AP servers is a great way to learn new chars
Pyro and Witch Slayer aren't heroes I'd recommend to play on an EM pub. Not that I recommend playing on EM anyway since it's shit.
u still dont know the proper names of the heroes? c c c
*witch slayer

fu h8m3

that flag looks fugly on you
im sorry , who?
anyway just play with hero u like first . learn the fucking basics , then you can start thinking about new heros/roles
Yup, i started out playing one or two chars for +20 games before i tried anything else. Allthough a lot of people say you should play AP, I personally found it a great way to learn new chars cause you could random for some extra cash which is great when you try a new char or pick a char you like to train. AP games tend to be imbalanced though with crazy imba lineups because people can pick their favourite hero combos.
this is not me lol ;d
if there ever is anything, Belgium Krosan will delete it
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