New Mouse !!

Razer Imperator Laser Gaming Maus

It's a new one? why so expensive? 66.- Euro?

image: razer-imperator-02

Someone use it? prediction :D plz... looks for me like g5.
old, mx518 fake
Razer Abyssus is a good mouse I think! 3200 DPI + no prediction + only +-35 euro :-)
laser lol
oh noez it will decrease your tracking with 0.0001% =/
lasers aren't accurate, they predict, so I always laugh if someone uses them
I laugh when I rape guys with my lasermouse cause it predicts and it's less accurate
still you would be better with optical mouse
I have laser & 1600DPI atm :o so if I get Razer Diamondback 3G and 400DPI I will be a fucking god :D
3G = laser
oh, I tought it was the better optical version.. I was wrong then
3G is infrared not laser.
Does not matter actually, the point that it's worse than optical
3g infrared and optical is same thing
old db with 400 dpi would prolly increase your performance yes
what does the deathadder use, laser or optical? I tought that was the best or not?
optical, and it's kinda fine, I just didn't like it much personally (don't even remember what was wrong with it)
but it should be a pretty good mouse
Have you tried the new razer abyssus? it's getting really good comments and It fits the hand really well.. Only 'problem' is the fact that there are no sidebuttons because it's such a small mouse :p)
I ordered 2 of them a long time ago (before Christmas), but the naabs haven't delivered them to finland yet :(

Do you have one? If yes, what do you think about it?
Personally I don't need the sidebuttons for anything :)
I do not have one yet but i'm planning on getting one since I think sidebuttons are overatted, it's the first decent sensor that's not really OVEROVERPRICED xD I can tell you it's very confortable mouse, about the sensor I can only say reviews so far say it's an awesome sensor, without prediction! Some compared it to an improved version of the intelli mouse :-)
I don't care about price as long as the mouse is good :)

I've bought tons of mouses just to test them out, and most of them have sucked big time so I just toss them away
Depends on the pad. Some pads abyssus does some weird shit. I have seen it on the QcK as well as the puretrak talent (if the pad is at an angle. normally it works fine).

image: untitled6
Not going to lie I can't go back to that shit now.
I'm planning to use it on qpad ct white. Any idea how it performs on that one :o ?
I think the QcK is the only mat it has any problems with really. The puretrak it performs relatively well on as long as you don't tilt it.

I think it would be fine on a white qpad, only thing bad about it seems the lift off distance is a bit higher than what I am used to.
what was your previous mouse anyway (just curious what you are used to) and are you using this one now, like it 'replaced' your previous mouse?

We will see how it fits my taste if they ever arrive to fin :)
I was using a Razer diamondback magma (optical/good one) which had like 1mm lift off on my pad so I was used to it being really low.

I really liked the shape of the abyssus because it was really easy to grip and the no prediction sensor was really nice. The only problem was if I played for more than an hour my hand started hurting so that's the main reason I stopped using it.
ok, I got pretty much same mouse that you have, so let's see how it happens with me :P

anyway, is the liftoff thing like it still reacts when you lift it and moves, or is it like it totally turns upside down or something drastic when you move it in the air?
It's just the distance that when not in contact with the mousepad that it will keep tracking.

If you have the pro click it uses infrared, although it's better than the 3G the older optical version has a lower lift off distance so the difference won't be as much for you.
yep I got pro click :)
doesnn't abyssus have infrared censor as well ?

yeah I got the lift off thing what you mean with it :D
It's just some mouses (usually lasers) turn it all the way up or down if you don't lift them high enough or so
The abyssus uses infrared as well and the lift off will probably be similar (maybe slightly higher) than the pro click. It doesn't do anything weird, in fact I have never not lifted it high enough and it kept tracking. The only problem I have is picking it up and putting it down the cursor move 2-3mm which just annoys me.
hmm ok, well let's see how it performs in my hands :D
I'm usually kinda picky about mouses anyway

but thx for input, surely appreciated :)
whats wrong with laser ;p
laser doesn't follow mouse movement, it just predicts where you move it next, it only takes some points every now and then, so it can't be accurate. Ask Clown or overdrive if you want to hear more
ask Clown if you want more details

I'm tired of talking about hardware stuff to crossies because none of the nimwits ever believes a word
what you've wrote about laser is pure bs
and if i ask clown he approves me
go ahead and pm me what he says or paste it here
why would i do it if i know that they 100% couldnt say that
if you are so confident, I'd expect it to be easy
its just bad.... for gaming you get zero performance gain and you pay more.... just doesn't make sense to buy laser mice

in particular I know most laser sensors were operating at ~5700FPS, whereas most optical mice were 6400FPS (and now some are 9000FPS, eg the ms IME3.0)
You can't really tell any difference between 6000 and 9000 fps in mice especially since it's only polled up to 1000hz
more like 7080 and higher(avago ones), new mice are 12k or so
as for philips twin-eye doppler ones they don't have FPS at all afaik
and as shuki said that doesnt rly make a difference
i think i used the wrong numbers somewhere there indeed... infact i'm not sure how i fucked that one up

oh well

still no real benefit of using laser
ye, still none
but at least it's like "no difference from optical mice except for price" nowadays, no more skips, low ips or other weird shit anymore
The laser sensors aren't bad indeed. However the best sensor used in the Xai G9x G500 etc despite having great specs seems to still be inconsistent in a way which is perhaps worse than the original shitty laser sensors (at least they were linearly shit).

The Xai is probably has the worst firmware than any other mouse I have used. I mean it's utterly shit and useless which is a shame because the mouse itself it actually really nice.

I mean the hard part of getting a mouse with a shape people like they managed, but how they managed to make the sensor so fucked up I have no idea.
well, they promised to fix it, but until they do it .. yeah it's shit :D
Well the sensor is still inconsistent even when configured correctly like the G9x and G500 isn't it?

I remember when Etnies got it and said the higher he put his cpi the slower the mouse got. I thought yeh he's probably doing it wrong... but when I got mine 800cpi was faster than 400 and random shit like that.
i dont know who said that logitech mice based on 9500 are better than xai, but that's pure bullshit
it has exactly the same accel and exactly the same sensor behaviour(at least g500)
sensor is great, but no manufacturer has used it's potential correctly yet
The graph I saw showed the G9x would only give neg accel but the Xai could give both accel and neg accel. I may have misread the graph though.

It was from that Chinese mousescore site.
u saw how i was powning yesterday.. take deathadder and train to be as good as me thats all the advice i can give :)
razer copperhead > *

Just don't :|
ja klar geht ab... Dann bisse nen Imperator... Hau raus die scheiße!
soll sehr gut mit gepolsterten fingern kooperieren =D
fettpolster oder wie
keine ahnung :( das frage ich dich!
intelli 3.0 > all
gaatz daniel (Y)
I'd buy it if it was shaped like a phallus and called "The Impregnator". get stabbed by Humm3l?



stopped reading after that
ist net gut, hab sie auch gekauft gehabt
hört sich an als hättest du die maus wieder verkauft oder wie ist das zu verstehen? wenn ja, dann ist sie beim wiederverkauf nur nbisschen mehr wert als die hälfte des orginalpreises. und erzähl mir nix von irgendwelchen getürkten geschäften :P
einfach wieder zurück geschickt ;D ist echt net zu empfehlen diese maus, mies
I think people forget that the Razer copperhead was 80 euro when it was released
looks like a g5
looks like roccat kone a bit... but why u wanna change mouse u just play very welll
wat is maus is it hummel maus =!?++2+1
The shape looks similar to logitech mx310. Nice copypasta :p
Looks quite much as the Logitech G5 and Roccat Kone. Guess it's an awesome mouse then?
ms 1.1 the best mouse
wmo or imo?
What about neg accel?
it doesnt have at rmode4
Yes it does because its hardware neg.accel
hmm strange i dont feel that, anyway i use mouseaccel in et. so i have both maybe :o neg and pos
Get the razer mamba np
cybersnipa silencer
better than g5
was ist mit deiner Mutter?
because nobody seems to want to buy the good mice razer made so they make a lot of their money by selling SHIT products to idiots
The only good mice they seemed to make by accident. I mean the optical diamondback was quickly replaced by the inferior infrared and 3088 sensor and the by the even shitter 3G.

The Deathadder wasn't even their top on the line mouse and then they replaced it with a shitter 3.5G version.

The moment razer stumble across a mouse which is actually good the quickly discontinue it or fuck it up in some way.

I don't understand why the optical sensor in the diamondback still isn't used in any mice (I think it was used exclusively by razer) seeing as it dicks most of what they have used in terms of performance.
it's used in mx518, isnt it?
and all those 30x0 sensors don't rly have much difference in perfomance
Yeh actually come to think of it, it was used in the older 1600dpi mx518s.

My red diamondback doesn't skip on high speed but my green one does. Only other difference is infrared and optical.

Also the red diamondback give 500hz stable never shifting, but the green one doesn't.
i have a good diamondback! I still aim like shit though :D
Razer Imperator Laser... stoped read here
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