Hardware question..


I'm not having a uber-computer as you can see in my profile but I don't have any plans to buy a new one aswell. The only game I play actually, is ET. It runs pretty well with getting 125 fps everywhere. The only thing is that it doesn't run really smooth. When I look at taskmanager, my emoryusage is very high most of the times. Does it help to get more memory to make my computer somewhat faster ?

If yes, what kind of memory do I have to buy? Is it just the DDR2 thingy that you have to know? The name if my motherboard is: Acer F690GVM

Currently there are 2 memorycards, each 1 GB, in 2 blue slaves.. Next to the blue slaves I have 2 yellow slaves. Can I use them to put my new memorycard in ?

QuoteDoes it help to get more memory to make my computer somewhat faster ?

No, not for ET. 2 gb is enough.
hes talking about PC not ET :<
"more memory to make my computer somewhat faster"

more memory makes it faster.
ur pc will be faster, but not et related :/
If you really want to you can add 2 more 1gb sticks in the remaining slots.
If it's a 32 bit os then what you have is plenty.........
ja of niet(:
it wont make it faster, but it will alow you to run more processes..
Your hardware is good enough. The problem is ur configuration. (installed programs, running services, running programs, etc etc etc)
what can I do about it ?
ccleaner, solution for everything!
As has been mentioned before, getting more memory will not decrease the usage; it'll merely allow you to run more processes. If you aren't sure what's clogging up your PC, I'd recommend reformatting. It honestly doesn't sound like a hardware problem since I have much crappier specs than you and can run ET quite smoothly :P
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