audacity help

got 2 tracks - 1 with voice, 1 with music

now i need at certain points when the voice stops that the music comes up louder - and when the voice starts talking again that it goes softer.

So recap; how can I change the audio level of a selection I make.
dunno, I use ableton to record my guitars but I'm a newbie into such software :p

as ge et toevallig in ableton ook hebt, wa wss ni zal zijn, moogde et altijd is doorsture dan willek er wel is probere gitaar bij te steke ;p
Well, fade in/fade out sounds smoother. You can change the volume like this: image: 33255jl

Don't know how the tool is called in English.
Ye but the prob is that the pieces are very short themselve. So would need like some immediate effect it (basicly no time for fade in/out)
Ah okay. Is it the option u was looking for or did I understand it wrong? It should look like this:

image: 2s0ep79

So u have at least a bit fading & it doesn't sound so snatchy.

Edit: I fucked it up a bit. The first volume level /=/ the third one, but u know what I mean.
thx mate, worked out ;)
thx mate ;)
not possible
Envelope tool to set points on the clip and drag them down to reduce the Volume at the specific point you want it :)
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