Railgun 123456789

people always whining bout new maps and shitty pools
the solution was in front of our eyes all the time....


i m gonna keep saying it, no other map in ET has that much suspence, different situations and tactital posibilities than railgun

i agree ,it needs modifications but that's less work than building a new map
i prefer battery
what makes you agree?
Positive experiences with Railgun in clanwars
!? It's one of the worst pubmaps since it's only played on mass publics and it isn't a 12on12 map at all, also it's very strategic with all the flags and trains and objectives and that all is lost @ pub
i agree with you, only played it like once in a match, all the other times on public servers.

its pretty enjoyable in 6on6 while its so disgusting on mass publics.

this map definitely has a lot of potential.
What exactly could be changed to make it work? Think it's a shit map for comp tbh.
remove snow
unbug train
axis=> permanent spawn depot yard, (though i liked the beginning battle for the depot yard but it's just too unbalanced when allies get it)
not sure but thinking their also was a discussion about the switch


i'm sure other and better players know other fixes...
allies should be able to undo the capture of axis which wont give them the spawn
agree if axis get it in the beginning
If you would give axis the spawn near the depot yard the only battle that would take place is lifting the wooden crane. The rest would be way too easy for axis.
trackswitch needs tiles underneath to prevent people from mining it.

Also, there was a script that made it impossible for allies to return the Zug..
in the column of clown someone talked about that buildable box wall thing on bremen as tactical element so the team could decide to build it or not (or was it clown himself?).
buildable tactical elements seem like a really nice idea to me.

what about a train switch which is buildable for the allies but its permanent closed, just like a truck barrier on goldrush so the axis have to destroy it? seems like a nice idea, in my opinion.
maybe, if planting a dynamite makes the map too unbalanced or hard for the attacking axis, it could be made destroyable with a satchel.
fueldump is far better.. 30 minutes map ftw!
30 minutes, 600 xp for map, that was really awesome!
you lose the nice part of the map.. constructing the bridge! more important than blowing up the depot imo..
so in cb config it starts after the first forward axis spawn? so the match concentrates right on the fuel depot?
sw_fueldump yes
never played that one.

is it good in a match? :p
never played it in a scrim so really dunno :D
there were plans to make sw_railgun_te but it failed
there were plans to change to 5v5 but it failed and yet it's back
I just wanted to mention facts.
idem, don't take it as an attack
i hate moving on that map
great map to get stuck into something
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