Donation for Crossfire

Donation. You see it everywhere. People donate with relief items, Medicaments and Money for the homeless and injured inhabitans of Haiti. In Hospitals you can donate blood to help ill or injured people and there are people who try to help kids in Afica with Aids or Malaria, In this case they donate their time with voluntary actions. Why do people do things like this? Simple, because everyone want to help somehow. Everyone wants to be part of the project without spectating it deedless. People donate, because they can and because others need the Donations.
I think that it is a bit harsh to relate this to Crossfire, but the mainidea is still excisting. I have heard from several people that they want to support their favourite Community and their favourite game in any way. We could implement this Donatefeature to support Events like the Crossfire Challange, to send a team again to a Quakecon (or something semilar) or as in this actual incident to help the victims in Haiti.
But who decides where the money goes to? Many People are scared, because they don't trust the organisation. In this case everyone has to decide by himself if he donates or not - if he trusts or not. Next step would be how we are going to decide over money. I think that the best idea would be to decide it over the pollfunction, but we could clear out this step later.

The Mainquestion is, if crossfire needs a Donation like this ?

Quote by TosspoT
<TosspoT> Its not quite like wikipedia or somethign where they want you to donate so they can add news/staff

Quote by TosspoT
<TosspoT> im hungry
<TosspoT> will ppl donate to that?

Thats why i am asking you, if you think that a Donatefunction would be useful or not.
no money
Yes offcourse it would be usefull. But seriously, who would donate?
We could better expand & make this THE ET community what it already is, but make it more proffessional, with tournaments with prizes etc.. :)
Example: We could actually pay a coder to finish anti-pro :)
anti-pro was already cracked.. toch de laatste fase da het in zat
een nieuw project dan :D
mjah ik ken der ni veel van ma alles is hackable tbh ze ;p gij zout daar eigelijk meer van moete weet dan mij e :D
van hacken? lol ik denk da gij daar meer van weet :D Ik ken daar echt nix van. Van het gebruiken van cheats daarentegen denk'k dat ik wel meer weet :o)
It depends on the transparency of the financial part of Crossfire. Actually we all don't know, whether tossport earns a pretty penny or just covers the costs. My guess would be option 1. :P

No offense, but u act like it's 'from the community - for the community.' But it's not like that.
I reckon the donation function would be cool. Could have community servers in each game that CF covers, prizes could be bought for monthly awards for random lolz, I like the idea.

Donaters could have a special status or extra privelages, and access to special section of the site depending on how much / frequently they donate. Kinda like a VIP status.


Clearly my BNC inspires you.
I think that donaters shouldnt get a special status. In my opinion it would be enough if there is something like a new box at crossfire where the name is shown and the money he has donated.
That's a bit tacky, though.
hope u werent serious stu.
didnt want to make him look like an angry guy who is against donations in general.
he just tried to show me that i need a good reason at first before i post this. !
ppl donate cos they think it makes them better person
but it does.

you can kill 100000 people and donate 1 euro to haiti. Maybe you arnt good, but the 1 euro, which you have donated makes you a bit better. even if it isnt much.
Not far off, people donate to feel better about themselves. Just about everything we do, we do for ourselves, humans are an uberego race :o)
I could donate 10€ to certain group of coders who would start to implement ET to the UT3 engine.
tosspot's eye's just lit up so bright we will have solar energy all night
my thoughts exactly
I would donate in case theres a trustworthy oganisation behind that
only polaks left playing this game

hf donating to them
i don't think crossfire has any funding issues

lol, no.
No, wouldn't donate. We only get abuse and constant whining from tards. Perhaps get some good shit on the site like tournaments with prizes and fun stuff.
click the adverts and he will be ok
Perhaps you could set up a system in which there is a poll on what the money donated each month would be spent towards...Or you could set up monetary goals to meet in a specific amount of time and then set up a voting system to decide where that money will go.

Err...they sound kind of the same but they're different in terms of the process...XD
too early to think? :D
Haha, can't be since I'm at Uni already! :D
if that rly helps crossfire, sure
5€/10€ nP!
depends, when tosspost shows us a good & Detailed plan what he wants to do with :D
I'd pay TosspoT just so he would be my friend
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