
Ok, it's not really meant as whining, but I do think it's important that there must be something done about this, the seedings are starting and teams have to know wether to prac this map or not, as there's so many oppinions about this. I think there should be said that it either gets replaced with Adlernest (as how 90% wants) or that you're gonna abuse ur admin rights and let it in the maplist, not that you'll just leave it for the seedings and then decide to remove it.

[ x ] Braundorf out Adler in
[ ] Braundorf must stay

=( dont make us nerdrage
[ x ] Braundorf out Railgun in
[ x ] Braundorf out delivery in
This isn't a point to vote for Delivery, appearently half the community has whined enough to get this map removed, not even replaced. this is just about braundorf having to be replaced with adlernest (Im a complete delivery fan dont get me wrong =D)
[ x ] Braundorf out Baserace in
[ x ] Wiadro out Jere in

[ x ] perfo CiC7, Steelseries QCK mass in
[ x ] Braundorf out delivery in
dunno :<
[ x ] <- looks like asshole
whaha u always manage to amaze me
U got square shaped ass ?????
In the middle, yea. was taking about the ass shape, not the assHOLE shape.
braundorf out definately
delivery sucks
braun sucks
adler is alright

We need a new map tbh, or even revisit the old maps! Oasis was nice to play @ 5on5
Braundorf out,Adler so fucking tight in
Krosan did a very good job with the maplist. Stop whining about 1 map, christ.
if you actually read, all i want is certainty :)
"[ x ] Braundorf out Adler in"

Doesn't look to me as if you're only asking for certainty. You're asking for a change.
Because thats what's in the current discussion? if it wasn't than i wouldn't need any certainty now would i :-)
Tosspot gave you the maplist, I don't see anywhere where he invited CiC-7 participants to discuss the maplist but perhaps I've missed it?
Having read through the majority of the 400 comments on the map pool newspost I decided to make a slight change to the map pool. There is only one universally unpopular map in the list which is delivery, so that will be removed from the pool.
After that point there is a variety of people saying pro's and con's about the remaining 4 options which are frost and braun which are in the map pool against adlernest and bremen which arent in the map pool. Trying to make heads or tails of that is about as lucky as winning the lottery!
My apologies.
what the fuck is wrong with braundorf, :S

i really like that map...
i thought you owned on every map?
[x] braundorf in braundorf in
Lottonest is clearly better.
[ x ] Braundorf must stay
[ x ] Braundorf must stay
gtfo braundorf
[ ] Braundorf must stay
[ X ] Braundorf and Adler out
adlernest, best map ever
[ X ] Braundorf out and oasis / karsiah / reactor in.
[X] b4 in u out
[x] braundorf in
[x] delivery in
[-] frostbide out.
B4 and frost out

Oasis and Reactor in! back 2 basics please...
no delivery, no win.

the community wants delivery back goddamnit
[x] ... why use this thing?..

[><] braun in :D
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