Spidah + team NL

image: ei14cy
image: 15re8wn

You know better!

Kiparii on 18/01/10, 13:01:09
Your not good enough for team NL, if Ati_ or Lightning couldn't play, xPERiA or 0v!e would replace them. Your not close mate

spidaaa on 18/01/10, 13:03:40 PM | Reply
and u know that?? makes me lol a bit! just bcuz they played for some skilled teams they're more skilled then me? ROFLMAO man u dont know me + u dont ever saw me playin' man srsly

wp other 4 for playing the entire game <3
dont wnb cool lowest xp in both rounds
owange! i said teamnl!
and this journal makes your position better ?
I know im not good enough
lol spida for team NL? nice joke.
nice attack by you guys! :)
spidah in team NL ? plZZZZZZZZZZZ :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD he is low low for lowpeople is he worst player and biggest ego nerd i have ever seen he is to shit to play games, escpecially if he plays it since rtcw and still being a shitnerd... LIFE IS HARD LOWSPIDAH :D
just because YOU, huNti, got bust3D on an ETTV match with a hack team with heyA, arr0x, herA and me (where I was the only clean player..) you gonna hate me? 8<<
Hack match on ettv? Did i hack? I was never busted for 'cheats' on that ettv match thye only made avi, so nice fail ;] and hera and arr0x also never hacked ::D we just kicked you out cause u were to low ;P
I'm honoured that you mentioned me =$
like 4th choice :o)
Hehe, think I was pretty close this year! Maybe next year, depends on my achievements this season ofcourse :O)
wij zijn de silent pwners, en we worden opgemerkt muhauhah =D

let maar op, volgend jaar trekken wij aan het langste eind !
haha ja, tegen die tijd loop ik met me lugertje iedereen te pwnen XD

I dont care what you post anyway

Nice game btw (you almost got rolled by a 1day mix.. so we'll see how it goes in Wintercup;])

And nice that you fake the logs =) I dont even give shit about team NL or w/e. Im glad Im finaly playing in a team without cheaters :D that makes more sense!

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