
Any players interested in Grime music?
Generally a UK based type of music, I'm not quite sure how it's travelled.
I understand most of the ET player base enjoy rock, metal, techno or trance.
I'm not the type to brand people emos, but if it's easier to get across, most of you are emos.

I'm a rap, grime, hip-hop, bass and RnB genre type of guy. Since music is a big part of my ET experience I thought I'd post this. I listen to music while I play 90% of the time.

Anyone else?

Anyways, here are some good Grime songs for you guys:

american rap <3

e: nice troll videos ;[
Quote by anttiI'm a rap, grime, hip-hop, bass and RnB genre type of guy

i see what u did there sexy <3 sup?
I listen to music roughly 5 minutes a day after the morning news
I think only me, Havoc, TEKN0 and german jonas listen to that here
you are not funny go away
Of course, I only listen to grime these days

It is an artistically superior kind of entertainment

Just magnificent

Here is my favourite piece
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