Swine Flu?

I aint going to doctors cuz it cost me 10 bucks just to say "yea u got it" in Germany..

I'm sure it's that...If I don't even feel like smoking it must be...feel like shite

I thought fucking pig flu was gone, ffs, why am I always last to get anything?? even my trainers xo bought 3 years ago.

>Random Racist Retard<

Realized I'm homesick too afer watching team UK tonight and this!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18bb-t7HRfM&feature=related

<3 Blighty..
cheer up paul :))
that's wat I thought, but it seems I'm so not trendy :(
maybe you gonna die
well I did eat a kebab last Monday...bitter Türks not going to SA imo..
2 shots recevied ages ago ,np.
now I wish I'd paid even more bucks :(
vaccine has saved me :D
you never know if it was vaccine or you wouldnt get it anyway ;)
I went to an irl meeting with 4 ET friends. One of them had been in swine flu last week. And well, I had had the vaccine a bit more than a week before that meeting (it should take 2 weeks to gain full immunity or so). Anyway, that swine flu guy didn't look that sick anymore. But after the meeting the 3 other guys got sick to swine flu in about 2 days. All 3 of them! And I didn't. So I guess the vaccine really helped me :) !

You can ask lettu for confirmation (he was one of those who got sick :P)
I do not doubt you are talking the truth ;)
I just wanted to point out, that you will never get to know, if it really was vaccine that helped you to get over it. maybe your natural immunity would be enough to resist it :)
btw vaccine makes you less immuni against it for few first days (afaik) because its that virus, just a bit "harm" ;)
Nowadays in vaccines it's a part of the virus, like let's say something that your body responds to and starts doing antibodies to kill them. It might be some part of it capsule or envelope, or some protein structure it contains, but there is never the viral DNA, because for weaker ppl they might be really dangerous then.

It's only "bad" for your natural resistance a few days, because your body gets a lot of foreign antigens in the blood system when vaccinated, and then it needs to use much resources when it starts producing antibodies against them. And that's why your immune system is weaker against infections for some time :)
I have had the real swine flu for two days now, diagnosed by the doctor, trust me, if you have a real dose of this you will not even be able to stand up.........

edit: 10 bucks is nothing to find out if you actualy have this kind of flu.........
how can a person from my island have that?
well, I managed to even go down stairs to the kiosk to get beers...Only after I drank 3 though...If this is a cold, then it's a bitch strain mate believe..
well the standin up part is a lie, but ye its hard
you'r just a complete pussy while xed0s is ze man
hehe :D...feel like a wet piece of lettuce right now tho mate..
hey mate...
hi, still feeling like crap?
it wanted me aswell, i just said: "no" and didnt get it ;)
Could just be normal flu. Symptoms are the same.
for me it was a lot different, I usually dont have to cough neither I get such a temperature when I got a flu.

Get better soon!
you know theres a difference between influenza and influenzal infection?!
i had it for ages lad and smokin just taste of fuckin flem its disgusting :p
like its always is (:
poor poor pauli, get well soon :]
sounds like aids
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