I'm freeeeeezing

hi2u, yesterday it was -30 degrees here, fucking cold so my ass is going to freeze.
image: 20100127402.th
Greets to Estonian.

PS. Let Gn1da play @ Lan : ' ( Tosspot, why?

Oooo I almost forgot, When I was returning from school, some hairs froze to my nose!
why's everybody complaining about the weather.
Ye, its true. Few minutes ago I met my friend and first what he said was that weather sucks.

Tbh, if he didn't talk about weather, I will do this : D
why greetz
Because they all the time are crying that Polaks are crying about wheather :D. Got it?

They think that real winter is in Estonia, also Finland.
well it is, -20 here atm
Same here.
postimees räägib et eile oli Tartus -30
so what, our average temperature is still lower than yours
And losing my wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I don't need another map of your head
cant move at all
cant hear my call
i am dying to live
im trapped under ice
snowing here
Estonia frEeze ing?
cold shit there
lol :)

Today at Porto (Portugal):
Max: 15
Min: 1
lets go swimming!
no shit! its cold
would feel like midsummer atm tbh
for you... for me it's fucking cold atm (night is comming, which means low temps is coming...)
I am not used to cold :< Portugal used to have +- winters, but since last year its alot colder (and snow! 0.00001cm but its still snow!!!)
na zadupiu zawsze pizdzi zia
lol u nerds! im living on arctic circle so -30 isnt nothing here!!!
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