omgaot .,,,,,,,,

uuuuh :DD the best of the best
i have a boner

mariosk8more2 (11 hours ago) Show Hide
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the driver is fag
thats old yench
what's his other name than?
dunno he changes them every week
like mihkel or something
cmon that thing is at hundred in how many second, 0.2?
dont believe, its supposed to be the fastest car.

e: 0-100 km/u: 2,5 seconden
km and mph are different things :)
you really expected me to talk about mph do you? :D
dunno, noone uses km/h in uk :<
and noone outside the uk uses mph :D

e: and dont start to whine about 5 countries who do now ._.
i don't know any others that do :$
That's because it's a fucking random gay system, only retards would prefer some fucking yards and miles and pounds and whatnot over the beautiful and consistent SI system.
that was intelligent! respect!
its not rly his fault that his country is using mph/pounds/feet but that's what he's used to now :)
That much should be obvious, the one(s) who originally thought "let's use this retard system hurr durr" are the ones to blame of course
if you actually think about it, mph is far easier to understand and grasp than km/h, and its only retarded because finland doesn't use it? please.
How are miles per hour easier to understand than kilometers per hour? o.O I honestly don't get it, is it because the amount of miles is always lower and smaller numbers are more fun? You'll probably have to be retarded if you don't understand (grasp?) what 100 kilometers per hour means. If you can't visualize it, you can just turn it to 100/3.6 meters per second. Then, in your mind, picture some nigger running 27 meters in one second. There you have 100km/h.

Now even if there's no practical difference in using mph compared to kmph, with the American system we get into problems as soon as we try to think about something else than exactly velocity. How many feet is one mile? Not hard to answer, but way more awkward than meters/kilometers. How many cubic feet are there in a cubic mile? You'll need a calculator.

As a whole system, the SI is just all-around easier. I'd like to see 1 Joule = (kgm^2)/s^2 presented with feet (or fractions of a mile?) instead of meters & pounds instead of kg... It would have all kinds of ugly multipliers and shit.

I don't give a shit what Finland Finland uses, if we used some random system I'd be against that. Luckily we don't. Finns talk about "calories" as the unit of energy in food, and I don't approve of that because it's fucking retarded.
you actually believe i'm gonna read all of that??
It takes like 30 seconds, do you have a concentration problem or are you afraid of something?

Short version:

"How are mph easier? Explain.

Meters are easier to covert to kilometers than feet to miles.

The SI system is better for purposes other than velocity.

It doesn't matter to me what Finland uses."
this is crossfire, not an english/science exam, therefore i couldn't give a shit what or why you think something is that much better, especially since its a pretty useless argument. Not that i'm putting your opinion down or anything, i just don't care that much :)
In that case you could've left this comment unposted.

Quoteif you actually think about it, mph is far easier to understand and grasp than km/h, and its only retarded because finland doesn't use it? please.
i was posting my opinion, replying to yours, i wasn't the one who started the essay writing :)
I even made a short version for you, in case you have trouble concentrating in a discussion that you took part in starting...

This looks like a classic case of "I was wrong, so I'll just say I didn't care in the first place"
Vanhaomena on 27/01/10, 17:13:51 PM | Reply

That's because it's a fucking random gay system, only retards would prefer some fucking yards and miles and pounds and whatnot over the beautiful and consistent SI system.

i do believe you started it? I wasn't searching for a petty argument over which measurement of distance is better, i was clearly replying to your pathetic response. And no, this isn't the classic case of "I was wrong, so I'll just say I didn't care in the first place"
Wrong, they use MPH in the states..... :)
WOW 1 MORE, look my edit
I hope you don't wanna be assosciated with some dumb ass redneck

not rly a long race tard
not rly a long race tard
impossible :X::D:D
its just a fake :<
speedhax imo
fake,in real the man would have been in 1st place for 1s and then Bugati >
my 107 > bugati veyron
Oui Mr.strAf !
My Renaut 4L > bugati veyron
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