Apple event today

anyone here watching it / interested in it? where do u watch it? if it's online, can u share? :/
iPad motherfuckers
rofl iPad
what a shit....machine, lol
you must be an apple freak to buy that
Well, as anticipated I guess, I bet it will cost too much though, shame really - probably a good device
too much freaky imo...people will look quite redicolous wit hthat :/
And they don't with netbooks ?
I think they do - they look awful :D
well this device really doesn't talk to a lot of people, only to the hardcore buisness men who needs a PC next to them due to contacts / news / work :/
My EEPC is awesome. Got Mac OS X 10.6 running on it smooth as hell!
Poor design. The front looks so shit with that huge black bezel!

What you reckon.... $600 with a 2year connection plan of $15 a month...
i would rather think it's like ipod touch, without monthly payment (i'd say around ~1200E)
It's permanently connected to the NET so it must have some kind of 3G connection + Wi-Fi.
ahh if its permanetly...well then it's just too much
Well to be honest, the black will probally go, it looks similar to iPhone OS, hacked in minutes
Yeah, it looks like it probably some kind of iPhone OS 4.0 implemented with Mac OS X Mobile
will buy it looks awesome
teurer müll für den iMer
Dependant on the price, I will either buy this one of the 2nd Gen. Would be brilliant for movies!
no? :/ how can like 10 inch screen be brilliant for movies???
"movies" ;)
I am with dean here, I WANT! But needs to be good value
Value is most important. Nice to see that the iPhone apps work narratively either in windowed or full screen! No word on flash yet? :( Disappointing if it's not on it!

Hopefully Orange get the carrier in the UK. Discount, Discount, Discount!!!!
Flash would render half the apps in the store useless, vast majority of them have free flash counterparts.
I wasn't talking about flash in the apps currently. I'm talking about it in general. Stuff from the net and new apps that can implement.

Brazzers for example :D
I'm simply saying why they don't allow flash in general (the apps of which I speak are flash apps), if you could use flash in the browser then people wouldn't buy the apps. An example being bejeweled, one of the highest grossing apps, with flash player you could play it for free in the browser along with a huge list of other flash games.
Wouldn't be as good as playing in an app running narratively though. Plus, most people have already go those apps for free :D

Stuff like BBC sport videos, we can't watch those on the iPhone. It's bloody annoying!
Considering I spend and will be spending alot of time on the move, that's how it will brilliant for me :D
i doubt you are on the move so much to need that really...but hey enjoy it if u want it ^^ im really only here because i heard they are giving some info about the new iphone OS :P
It's a coming!!! This tablet isnt running on 3.1 that's for sure!!!!!
honestly im getting bored of iXxx..
30$ a'd
Man, that's not bad for unlimited usage. Plus it's prepaid with no contract, and the pad's are unlocked so can be used with any sim!!!

$499 for the device!
yeah, but 16GB and only wifi :S gl with that :S but still VERY very cheap, am surprised
Yeah, fucking makes a change for Apple. But one problem. With the UK's extreme tax rates and overpricing, that $499 will become £699 before long :D

I'd import since they are sim-unlocked!
extra $130 for 3G though.....
Still about 1/3 of what I expected
Read reply above :D
ok the design is just beautiful..
One thing just put me off.....

No multitasking.... It has a fucking 1ghz processor, surely it's not that difficult. Looks stunning though!
where is the software :/
Like what ?
the so called iphone os 4.0 :(
Do you really need to know anything about it? from the demonstration it is practically identical to iPhone OS
pretty much, since i wasn't following much about the ipad, didn't interest me a lot. was mostly waiting for news about the new os :/
Dissapointing :(
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