you knowwww?


Do you know that feeling when you walking down the street and suddenly someone moves like 100 meters in front of you towards your direction? Then you have to decide whether you are going on the left side or the ride side of the pavement. Often you agree with your opponent and nothing happens, BUT it becomes very annoying when noone makes the first step or you do both the same step at the same time. then you cant decide where you are going to. left or right? If you and the other guy are both on the right side and you change at the same time to the other side then its just a stuid feeling, because he comes nearer and nearer. worst case: you stand in front of him and still couldnt pass him. really really sucky situation. you knowwww?!!!!

or when you are moving in the evening or night on lonley streets and suddenly an old woman or a woman in general is walking towards you. from the moment she discovers you, you can feel her fear tbh. its just freakin funny in this case when she is moving slowly past you with both hands ready to knock you down or at her bag to smash you in the face. just to be sure that really nothing can happen to her, because you could be dangerous. you knowwwww?

or do you know this situation when you are walking through the city and see someone you know from the past but where you dont really have contact anymore. he isnt a friend but someone you know. are you going to greet him or just walk straight without looking at him. or when you decide to day "hi" he just ignores you and moves along. you knowwww?


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thats...really a stupid journal
i dont look like a freak so noones scared of me tbh
I knowww :P
I wanna touch myself
well, chernobyl didnt affect me, so not really a problem on the 2nd case

1st case is just stupid.. 100 meters? are u in fear? not being able to step aside the moment you see him/her?

lol wtf Razzah
you are turk, just knock him out with the 10ppl you have with you
you should always go right, but it's not that simple, yeah
yeah, happens every now and then, pretty annoying stuff
why the fuck would you make a point of it?
you know,

Perglamoze, having been clausteriggled will create makleration of multifrangible monopigsimules, provided that trigloptrerization by zygoplammatic action has affected a set of demonuperted tragloglums.
always go right except when it's a hot chick then go left
then she is going left aswell and you will have to face her prolly
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