pro cfg

hi, can anyone give me a nice etpro 2.6b config, with binds, settings and graphics etc.
maybe from a good aimer, just want the good one to play good :)

my current one

image: screenshoteaw

If anyone can, it is nice when you post your cfg screenshot + link in the reply)
take mine, my profile.
look @ my profile for picture
76 fps met die kwaliteit oO
nee, dat is mijn kanker computer,

link to 2nd ?
money ??or palehook invite
for the second time, he just stole it from my config ;) now he's trying to get credit for it but he sent me pm for it xD
you can try to find cfgs here
image: supply2

cfg in profile:)
What u need is only

r_gamma 3
r_mapoverbrightbits 1.5
r_ignorehwgamma 1
r_overbrightbits 1
r_intensity 1.5
cg_fov 112
r_mode 6
cg_crosshairsize 37
cg_drawgun 1
r_picmip 0

e: and ye, com_maxfps 85 and r_displayrefresh 85 for maximum ownage
mine is for pro's only
cg_fov 102 > *
ill send you mine :)
I use just the default ones, only s_volume 0.4 and s_khz 44 (high qualidy saund)

Some guys with different sound cards can mess a bit with s_mixahead and s_mixprestep but if you like the sounds as they are, just leave them to default :)
sick configs
lol uberlows graphics?
ye uberlow graphic for uberhigh player
rivatuner :o)
I guess, he hacks anyway
Lost this cmd/bind (whatever it is)
to put these sentences ( ~ was killed by ~ ...)
back above in my screen.
Can you tell me please.
im using a mix of razz's and mztik's cfg
pics or it never happend!
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