lol @ hon update !! :XD

lululul chronos is fking imba now?!

will only play chronos til theyll lower him :>

anybody know if the passive skill is limited?

max agi i had was 44 or smth
imbalanced or smth (i dont know to be fucking honest)
imbalanced! you are right.
zephyr > chronos
never played zephyr.. just read that it got a nice boost too
zephyr got upgraded nicely too imo

but chronos is shitter than shit
chronos is imba with or without the update...
but only at late late game :)
Not even then, there are much better late game carries than Chronos.
but now chronos is much better in early - mid then before ...

with his "portal skill" he can do some nice aoe dmg and with his passive skill hes doing after a few hits good dmg too ;)
have a new profile pic

you need an op hero to be decent because youre shit
zephyr sucks now
dont let him farm , success
what an hero
image: bg82m6012u5hh1dnm

lol @ you
cba to lookup the forum, what's new ?
instead of 20% stun + 150 magic dmg you will add +4 agi for each charge / -4 agi for the hitted one (1/2/3/4 agi)

and your port is doing 200 mdmg now in a raduis of dunno

ally heros can move in your ult now but have 90% mov slow / -90 att speed (staff of the master -> 80% mov slow -80att speed or so)
lolwat @ulti
who plays ap anyways

chronos is like troll from dota, one of the few heroes who are unbeatable 1o1 at high gear and level.
Armadon 3 Behemoths Hearts and some stacked armor beats farmed Chronos.

Farmed Armadon > *
nope, attack him from the front and he goes down like corrupted in deadwoods ulti
Yeah, good luck getting Armadon to face you without having Legionnaire on your team.
a. he got stun
b. he got an ulti
c. you mostly got a stunner / morpher in your team . . .

why do you ET legends think you would own in any game?
... And you're gonna use those ultis and stuns on Armadon? Instead of, you know, someone that's not the tank? As much of a tactician as you seem to be, focusing the tank instead of someone that's actually a threat and all, I'd appreciate it if you remind me to never play with you.
where I did I ever mention that you have to focus armadon, I just said he isnt as OP as you praise him, actually he is not better than bristleback was.

And we wont obviously ever meet ingame since I only play 1700+ :)
Yeah, considering almost all my accounts are 1700+ that seems rather unlikely. Also, I never claimed he was overpowered, and why did you even mention that you can STUN and ULTI Armadon if you're not going to focus him? Even with a fucking stun, you'll be lucky to get him to 80%. You're obviously very good.

Oh, and if your ingenious techniques were for 1on1 situations; HAHAHAHAHAHA, taking on Armadon on your own. :DDDD
ololol pely dota! AA fuckin rad hero
those buffs to chronos are just ridicoulus ;[
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