giving away my rapidshare account... the first 6 people registering on lockerz from my invitation

it is valid until sunday 31.1 and has like 22gb for today and 22gb for tomorrow and sunday but i just don't know what i should do with it anymore

so if you need to dl something from rs, send me a pn with your email and i'll send you the login data after i see your's no scam, i really have no use for the account anymore and i dont wanna waste that huge traffic :<
People still trying to sell their personal data to 3rd party companies for a T-Shirt? Oh god.
Got 100£ giftcard, for doing almost nothing. Trying to get another one @ upcoming redemption.
and ofc ze uberc00l T-Shirt, i just came from cubl with that!
im already there for like 8months and still got no "zlist" not desperate to get that freaking shirt,but before i waste that account,why not doing a win-win situation ;)

anyway, i got alot more than just my personal data on sites, where i dont even get a freaking penny what? :D i mean who actually cares if they earn some money with fakes data
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