My timelapse from last night:)

BIGGEST FULL MOON OF THE YEAR: If you think tonight's Moon looks unusually big, you're right. It's the biggest full Moon of 2010. Astronomers call it a "perigee Moon," some 14% wider and 30% brighter than lesser full Moons of the year

And what's that bright orange star right beside the Moon? Read on...

IT'S MARS! In a coincidence of celestial proportions, the Moon and Mars are having close encounters with Earth at the same time. Moreover, the two will spend Friday night gliding across the sky side-by-side. It's a must-see event

It looks bigger through a telescope now than at any time between 2008 and 2014.

bah, better watch HD:

and another one...


feedback please!
cool man
More info on the shots? :p I'm guessing you done your 30 sec x however many pics?

Was out photographing it earlier :-)
the shuttertime was only 1.3sec actually! with an interval of 4 seconds. so 2.7 seconds between each shot.

so at the end i had 2498 shots over almost 3 hours. and used 40fps for this vid

picked a relative high iso to get more stars visible on the picture.

got anything online yet?
Naa, pictures weren't the best so scrapping them anyway. Will just process stuff from my waterfall shoot from this afternoon instead :P
waterfall shots? we havent got any of those here:( if we did, id so get a ND 10 stop filter.

are you using stop filters for your waterfall shots?
I used an ND8, I've got the ND1000 (10 stop) but it's 58mm thread and my sigma 10-20mm = 77mm thread :D

Waterfall country = 20 mins from my house so nP for waterfalls here :p
that looks so great! congrats.

did you tweak/photoshop it a lot?
bah 77mm slim filters are way 2 expensive:O

i'd love to get a tilt&shift lens, but theyre so expensive too:P
I tested some awesome tilt shift lens @ focus on imaging event last year along with THIS and a bunch of Canon stuff :P

Tweaked that one a little (mostly colour @ left side to warm it up a bit) can't get the .RAW file off my card yet so not editing all my work just yet :(
haha that sigma is awesome! i remember reading a review on that one.

i was amazed that this big guy could actually hold it with his hands thats him!
fail xD
you failed again
Fucking Houten gek :)

Spot me on my bike @ 2nd vid ;)

e: nice shots btw.

Made a timelapse myself in Houten a while ago. It was just a test and wasn't serious at all and not insteresting either :P
can't see Mars from Cologne wtf!!...And I was so busy staring at the fucking moon searching I slipped on my ass and broke a bottle of wine and a whole pack of eggs...thx..
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