Foobar help!

1. Want to remove the silence"clip" between the tracks.
2. Want milkdrop visualisation.

I seen both those features in foobar but cant find em and google doesn't help me...
So i turn to you crossfire.

Random pic
image: heavyfine
Playback -> DSP Manager -> skip silence

right click on the program @ toolbar and choose your visualisations you might need to dl milkdrop
it did not work.
I think the skip silence is skip in the silence in beging of the songs not the silence between tryed to higher the buffer.
Im trying to lisen to a pink floyd album and i want it to play like one track. not the clip between the songs.

any link for milkdrop cant find any up to date only find ones form like 03 or something.
maybe crossfade?
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