in zeeeh good days

So just setting here trying to find smt to do (im to lazy to get to bed..)

so i found some really old demos with my first clan with 3 RL mates, god that was good times (:

and found nice track I almost had forgot

what are you up to?
watching TV & playing wow coz I went home early :P
wow = nerd :D
Posted by Retsev on Sunday 31st January 2010, 02:04

so i found some really old demos with my first clan = nerd :D
hahah :P no party...girl at smt school party thingy...wat the fuck to do :(?
Just came back from a lousy party. Playing WoW atm with a drunk friend, it's awesome.
Everyone in this journal are playing wow
im sick since im back from a short vacation. spitting out green stuff that could be smilers brother
image: 300px-slimer
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