Saturday 31.01.2010

Good evening /cf/

How has your Saturday been? For me, mine was pretty chilled. Not really an y stress.

Started nice & early today since I had a early night! So woke up around 7.30am. Played MGS1 (got it on my PS3) for a few hours. I've lost my touch with that game for sure. I can't break the necks of the genome soldiers without getting caught :(

I kinda gave up since I had to go out anyway. Went to the cinema today with my little brothers (8yo & 4yo) to see Astro Boy! It was a nice film, would recommend it if you like computer-animated movies.

After the film I went to Pizza Hut, 1st time I've been there in ages! I had a Farmhouse pizza (ham & mushroom) with the cheese bites crust. Gave a bit to my brothers & mum since it was 8 slices. Could only manage 2 slices myself!

Got back home and nerded MGS some more, then just gave up since I was in a constant /facepalm at myself for not being able to kill these guards without getting caught!

Nice song by the lovely Little Boots:

Awesome Dubstep remix of Heads Will Roll by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs!

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image: battletoads

Track (Can't find this on YouTube so uploaded for y'all!)

Remember if you want into /cf/ - Crossies then PM me or wsk.

Would also be nice to see you in #Seanza : )

Enjoy the rest of your evening <3
nice chicks
i got banned from the almighty crossfire by a random!

damn randoms being admin.. its kilelrboy all over agian
played computer :)
Ehm.. yea its actually Sunday 31/01. Yesterday (Saturday) was 30/01, dumbass.
wasn't saturday the 30th? :S

also, that farmhouse pizza is fucking delish :P
Aye it was, but my title was supposed to "ironic" since I was posting on a Sunday morning according to the clock but a Saturday night according to unwritten law! :P
ah i got you x)
not really!
was at friends

drank whiskey

ate mcdonalds

rolling joint
jsut rolled? or smokied? AI mean, if roll and dont smoke its kinda wierd u know
was rolling while replying... smoked after...
got my kilt on and went to a late rabbie burns dinner/party for a while then left coz it got a bit boring after a while and they were going to make me play paolo nutini on the geetar so..
end of the months are always boring
1. visited a friend of mine @ friday night
2. been playing golf @ wii for about 13 hours
3. you can call me bernhard langer nao.
birds in the 3rd pic are incredible :<
saturday 30.1.10 :P
QuoteAye it was, but my title was supposed to "ironic" since I was posting on a Sunday morning according to the clock but a Saturday night according to unwritten law! :P

My earlier reply to DeMeNtEd : )
ah ok.. was still saturday evening for me anyways :P
the remix is awesome :)
was fixing computer for one guy, he paid me and i took some of his music into ma pendrive,
at evening i was supposed to go out but my friend kinda fucked up.
sooo i watched poland vs croatia handball at home drinking some whiskey with my father was pretty ok, after that was playing ql ffa :D

i would soooo eat pizza or kebab, sounds like a plan!

cheers mate.
worked.. played mass effect 2... drank a few beers and smoked a joint with a mate of mine... some more mass effect 2... watched some comedy central and went to bed. Not the most exciting saturday night but at least i didn't spend loads of money :)
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