Federer > Murray

Murray is not good enough and never will be, he is an arrogant animal and I'd give you good odds that he crys injury at the end of the game.

Fuck you TosspoT! He's Scottish!

But yeah, he's arrogant.

You're a bad man! :D

edit: He's better than that English twat Henman was.
Hmm i dont even know Murray

But Federer is an awesome player :O
image: gay-tennis-fail
tennis is gay.
what about nadal ?
Murray beat Nadal in the semis
quarter's ;)
Ah, since it was Nadal, I just assumed it was the semi's.
nadal gave up due to an injury afaik
while losing :)
thats like saying u lost if its 1-0 in football and u still got 1 half to play, utter bullshit
it was 2:0 in sets for murray and the third set was 3-0 for murray. it would be over in the next 10 minutes, so stop the utter bullshit yoruself...

thats like losing 0-10 in football in 85 minute
u cant compare tennis with football..
Quotethats like saying u lost if its 1-0 in football and u still got 1 half to play, utter bullshit

thats what you have done in the first place...
ha, lyso ci teraz, dupku?
you just dont like him because he is scottish.
arrogant? i heard some iviews, he was pretty mature and so on.
i liked federer but once i heard an interview where he stated that
he cant imagine that someone is thinking else than he is the best.
He reallly is quite arrogant, though. Not as much now as he used to be. But maybe it's just his mentality and self-belief.
You talk shite hes never sounded arrogant at all stop talking pish. Watched him for a long time not never heard him be arrogant once.
Look back at the interviews of him in his earlier days of playing Wimbledon.
Dont need to look at it Ive watched him since his first wimbledon and even his first queensclub a few weeks before i watch him any time hes on tv never ever heard him be arrogant your talking balls.
I agree, murrays a cunt
lol never thought you could flame that well tossie =p
murrays a mincer
image: 4229302620_dd493395dc

murray.. bill murray
land.. zombieland
decem... decimate
bit... well, just bit.
great movie... didnt expect horror comedy to be so good :}
yeah it was quite good, usually horror comedies are as brainless as the zombies themselves.
stream plz
wat a tie breaker :>
fuck why cant roddick win some
not good enough i guess ^^
6-3 6-4 7-6 for federer, it's over!
i personally would ve loved to see murray taking the victory.

all that federer hype already starts to suck and there aint really much space for new stars, since federer is almost unbeatable in all the important tourneys.
yes he is the best player ever, but it seriously gets boring to know that federer will win even befor the match has started...

the final shouldve been like the one of US open with del potro taking it in a thrilling fight.
na, just not entertained although i like tennis

those australian open (and i ve watched many of the matches) where pretty boring...
the federer matches where actions of 3 sets and not the slightest chance for his competitors, the ladies tournament was the most boring bullshit ever seen...
seriously the final of the ladies was so boring, 95% of the points didnt have more than 3 hits followed by a fault,
they didnt try to trick each other with great play, they just shot the ball back in the middle and waited for an unforced error...
that aint tennis, thats bullshit
He's (probably) the best tennis player ever so lets say a big part of that hype is justified (for once). Federer is a fantastic athlete and has to work hard in every game + he's a great person!I wonder what you think of all the hype about the CL or WC football.
he definitely is, but for me personally a sports just gets boring if its pretty obvious who will make it before the match has even started...

same was in the hightimes of idle.ee... it was just beautiful to watch them rolling every team that thought it would get close to the top of et, but didnt even see a single chance to win one game against em.
but excitement is something different...
most of the matches even on the long maps, where actions of 5 mins per round if idle attacked and a fullhold if they defended.

for roger federer its nothing unusual if he wins one of the most important grand slams in the world without even giving a way a single set...
It's good to see such a good player playing quality tennis. Yes, it's getting predictable but it won't go on forever, everyone knows that. By the way just look how awful woman tennis was without Henin & Clijsters. Do you want to see that? I rather see better players like Federer playing quality tennis and winning most of it (it's not like he wins EVERY grand slam) than watching rubbish, boring tennis. If Federer would retire tennis wouldn't be as interesting anymore (yes maybe unpredictable but that's it)
thats true, although the best matches to watch are not the federer matches, but the ones with 2 evenskilled guys...
last year @ us open del potro made it to the level of federer and the final was sensational...
this year the distance to the second best player became pretty huge again.

btw... now that clijsters & henin were back, woman tennis didnt change :d
certainly they are really good but as i mentioned, the woman final was the most boring crap ever seen
Highlevel Tennis became boring due to the Federerdomination.
I rather go to the local courts and watch our 2nd german league Team play, its much more fun.
Murray had his chances
to take a set max :D
last set was close :-)
wp by federer
Tosspot just being a retard cause murray is scottish and hes better than any english player has ever been. I bet any money if he was ENGLISH TOSSPOT AND THE REST OF ENGLAND would be classing him as one of the best players in the world but they just cant take the fact that hes scottish and a great player and all the english players they have are shitter than shit.


Jeez, you're an embarassment to our country with this attitude.
+1. The banter between england and scotland is always funny, to be fair im not the extremist that wants all scottish players or teams to lose every game. Think a lot of ppl go over the top by full on taking the piss out of eachother's teams and players. I hope murray does well even though hes scottish...
I think it's more that people go over the top with taking it personally. As you know, not all of us Scots are like that! This guy's a Celtic fan, it's not been a great past couple of years for him.

: )
ahahahaha. Cant wait to see his next reply. My family are all from up north - newcastle so its nearly scotland ! Whenever i have been up there its always been a great crack and a great night out. Even when they know ur english, there is just friendly banter and u can have a nice drinking session. Unfortunately on both sides u have got the odd few plonkers !
ahah fucker dont matter we will still win the league we got the better team just cant score for shit at the moment and they hairy faced huns seem to score with there only chances in a game.
shut yer arse hes the one making topics calling murray and arrogant animal
It's banter. Learn to take it.
take it like your maw
Almost as big an embarrassment as the SPL.
Federer outclassed him in the 1st 2 sets, Murray should have took his chances to win the 3rd. He used to be very arrogant and there is a part of me that wont forgive him for wearing that paraguay shirt when england played paraguay in the world cup. However, hes matured a lot and i have grown to like him. He will win a grand slam, unfortunately i think that was his best chance for the year. Next year i think he will win the US.
Next year? US is this year ...

This was Australian open
Yes and he wont win the US this year. He will win it next year...
doesn't make sense
ok i know u aren't the smartest guy around so i will try to make it click for u. This year - this tour - the US open - Murray will not win. Next year - next tour - 2011 - Murray will win.
You just thought this was US open moron
what you talking about hes scottish you muppet as if he wants england to win in football think your heads up your arse. You just think that everyone should support england in everything they do that just shows how ARROGANT you english really are. Yous are 2 faced arseholes cause any time scotland plays you all want us to lose and then laugh when we do but when its the other way around yous cry and cry . Most arrogant country in the world yous are
Its not the point about each country wanting each other to lose, tbh its natural and i cant blame him for it. The fact that he came out in front of the cameras with a paraguay shirt on makes it a whole different story. I mean, 70% of his fans are english - so he should show a little bit of respect. Its like David Beckham wearing a french shirt to a press conference. I think u need to get off ur high horse urself, i dont have anything against scotland but u playing the victim card is hillarious.
How the hell can 70% of his fans be english when even the commentators where saying any brit aka english they asked said they would rather that federer win so wheres the support when most of england dont like murray at all but every scot was behind murray and did you notice there wasnt any british flags only scottish flags at the australia crowd in every round until the final then there was only about 2 british flags and they where carried by scots wearing scotland tops and saltires on there faces and 1 guy wearing union jack on his face.
believe what u want, ofc the whole of scotland is behind him but id still say the majority of his fans live in england - due to the population difference? Keep playing the victim card though, i guess the whole world hates u.
what victim card your just to arrogant that you think all his support is english when its a fact most dont even like murray cause hes scottish. Yous are just annoyed that all english players are shit look at what yous done with tim henman the guy was shit at tennis yet yous talked him up like he was the best player in the world always saying hes gonna win a major when he had no chance in hell, and now murray who is 100 times better than henman comes along and suddenly hes not good enough wonder why that is oh wait its because hes scottish.
i know you dont wana go there. No disrespect to scotland but ur making urself and ur country look shocking. Ur comparing the 2 countries over 1 sport - tennis. Yes no doubt murray is probably the best male british player there has been, especially when he hits his prime in a year or so. The fact that ur talking so much patter is unbelievable. Should we compare football, rugby, F1, snooker, darts, dominos. This is no disrespect for scotland but if ur gonna slate England in 1 sport, i think u need to compare the others. The fact is u take the banter too far. The reason i said most of his support is english is because of the popularity difference. Scotland would ofc have a higher percentage of support per person no doubt... Playing the victim card is saying that we are arrogant, dont want u to be good etc etc. Ur doing the exact same thing ur saying the english are doing...
Exactly we do it aswell its the fact that when we do it back yous cry about it . And the clear fact that if murray was english yous would be going mental saying hes fucking brilliant this and that and even though england is better than scotland in a good few sports they are still not good compared to most of the other top teams and lose in most of those sports you mentioned constantly and lold at dominos ya wido. But as you said england has a big population difference so its easier for them to get good players a fact i think yous all forget.
I think murray is and will be the best male player from the uk ever. U happy ? I dont mind stating it, its just funny the way u go on about it. Couldnt care if he was irish or welsh. Hes a great player...
well you must be the exception in england then congrats, and its funny to me the way england went on about tim henman even though he wasnt good . It jsut sounds a bit gayish to me that they slag murray even though he is way better than henman who they praised but both were playing for "britain" only diffrence is ones english ones scottish.
i never liked tim henman. I cheered for him because he was from gb, but he was a boring no emotion shit player that had no bottle. Also i dont think many ppl slag murray off because he has no talent, its just his attitude from the past.
Number 4 in the world in what probably was the most competitive era of tennis says Henman was.
where was all tim henmans finals? and i think today is the most competitive era of tennis even though federer rules all the players below him are all still good but henman wasnt a skilfull tennis player he was a serve and vollyer didnt have anything else thats why he didnt win anything.
Today is not the most competitive? Not a chance. Federer rules the roost, and everyone else drags behind.
aye he does but federer would rule all in any era of tennis with the way hes played last few years but the players below him are all still competitive for top 5 in the world and everyone can beat each other on diffrent days.
That's why i said that Henmans era was the best of all time!
sampras and aggasi where rulling in henmans era where they not?
QuoteExactly we do it aswell its the fact that when we do it back yous cry about it.

This is exactly what you're doing right now.
as long as they did it first
He has plenty of support in England, and Tennis is played as the full nation. Most of his fans (including me) couldn't give a fuck where he is from!
Even the commentators where saying every brit they asked says they would rather federer win and by brit he must have been meaning english cause every scot was supporting murray so dosent sound like he had lots of support.
Say hello to the BBC, they want it to be controversial.
true but they wouldnt say it if there wasnt some kind of truth behind it
Haha, you reckon? It's the media, they can say what the fuck they like.
aye they can but dont see the point in them saying that just for fun unless they just love to rip the pish.
tennis sucks
Murray is good enough to win a title but Federer just played awesomely for the first two sets. Even with Murray playing very well he was just winning all the big points.

I don't think any player I've seen would have beaten Federer on that form.

He wanted to make a point that he's the best and that he did
if safin had been motivated he would rape federer so easily....
yeah, lets take a player from the 90. and another one from the next decade and try to guess who would beat who. very reasonable :).
safin from the 90s haha made my day
Well oke, he was on top in 2000-2004.
But that still doesnt change anything in the point im making. You're trying to compare players that had their best moment in different times.
Such an atempt obviously fails.
Australian Open Winner 2004 - Roger Federer
Australian Open Winner 2005 -Marat Safin

sry dude but...
Quoteon top

he didnt win anything after the australian open which was in january 2005, so you can basically say he was on top untill 2004.

sorry dude but...

and still, thats just sad how you try to avoid the main point :)
i'm just laughing about ur point that safin is from another decade that's simply wrong....
i was a bit wrong about about the years safin was on top. but still they havent been on top at the same time. they couldnt meet when both had their best years (like eg. federer-nadal).

im just laughing about u trying to compare them, saying safin would beat federer if he wanted to^^ thats simply wrong
you remember semi-final safin vs feder at australian open?! i think that was their best tennis they ever played ( exept nadal-federer at wimbledon) and btw safin is the only player who's talented as federer
i have never denied safin's skills. i pretty much like him (also for his dynamite character :d).
well on that example they we're on top on the same time for a few years
"that was their best tennis they ever played" - i wouldnt agree about federer.

[ 2004 - early2005 ] - safin was ending his top times, while for federer it was only a preludium to his best times: [ Wimbledon '06 - USOpen '07 ]. thats the time when he dominated totally, by being present in 10 consecutive grand slam finals.

in other words, federer was rising when safin was fading. they met each other few times (in previous australian open federer beat safin in final), but if i was to point out best moments of both players, id say 2000 for safin when he beat sampras and 2006/07 for federer. 6 years difference.
murray just suxx hard he's much to defensive...
im not gunna lie, im with you on that ;D
Have to laugh at all the "scottish" comments.

Tennis is played as the full nation! GB
With the exception of mine I hope?! :P

Mine was in good taste, ofc!
fucking sook :P
wheres roddick?:<
sucked out long befor
thats sad:<
ye that guy deserves better
lost against cilic in QF :(
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