lets pretend et is dead all week, and then do this on the sunday:

image: ScreenShot_rkltc

(but seriously guys - wouldnt it be better for everyone if we'd spread those a little more?)
a 100% agree:DdD
But the best matches are Fenix vs Koll & NonY vs Tarson. What does that say about ET?!
All higher teams are praccing for the lan so no official for them today
that we only have 5 starcraft freaks
nc is so overrated..
forced nc games

3/4 wont be played

anyway cant get why low teams want their games in ettv. average viewer peak 5
they say "why not?"
not too many interesting games on that list though
sunday should be for 2/3 stars matches only
mate, get some ads on the site, start earning a few pennies for the services you provide!
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