w0nd3r the most retarded admin ever !!!

Your account has been banned by de ng

Reason: Insulting our staff isn't nice. Here is your reward!

Expiration Date: 31.12.12

cuz w0nd3r kept deleting ALL my comments i was a bit nice and made some funny comments
now im banned :<<<<

i wantz hon!!!
wonder is a nice fellow, crossfire should have more admins like him :-)
nice asslick how much money did u get for this comment? :D
I pmed some requestee nerd to add score , next day arno banned me.
wonder is auch richtig derbe scheisse
dont mess with him idiot
Quotei was a bit nice and made some funny comments
now im banned :<<<<

who is the retard nao ?
as i said he kept deleting ALL my comments :)
after that i made the funny comments :)
[sarcasm]always a good idea to give emo kids admin power[/sarcasm]
w0nd3r is just doing his job, like every admin
so beeing an ass is his job as an admin? :)))))))))))))))))) cool story bro !!!
no why I should? just telling you the truth <3 :))

[GER] Hab auch etwas mit bekommen auf gtv und wegen 1 tag ban .... hab von arni 1 monat ban bekommen zu unrecht halt [/GER]
ich hab 2 jahre ban für eig garnichts bekommen xDDD super faire sache h3h3h3h3h3h
gtfo he is nice admin its ur own mistake..
he sucks ye!
he should have banned you until 24.12.12 for an xmas present
ye right retard :D kids as admins great
w0nd3r should be ....

i have to admit that i have waited for this journal to pop up. thank god there it is!

you haven't disappointed me, son.

P.S.: de ng has delivered
seems like you deserved it. bb
enjoy m8
deserved, live with it faggit
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