omfg htc hd2

I just got my HTC HD2 and im trying the features and stuff.

one comment:

OMFG ITS SO FUCKING AWESOME! omg im so impressed :P

Windows mobile = fail and the phone is oversized but thats a personel opinion. Some people seem to like oversized phones.
Anything that isn't an iPhone is poo
i gotta love the comprassions where they compare things that doesn't even matter / noticeable to the general average phone users
iphone is exactly like hd2 in terms of feeling, except, iphone is 100x more fun and useful (does htc has any apps store? so many games and intresting applications?)
Android >> iPhone >> WinMobile
hd2 with android would be insta$$$ for htc
SE checks it, they bring the next Xperia with Android
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