Vegas Rendering.

Well when i try and render out my video i am getting this error..

image: wtfsf

Only happening today.

I have closed all other programs and ended any unnecessary processes and increased my virtual memory size.. still no luck :|

Any suggestions?
"the system is low on memory"

what does it mean, sherlocK?
ur PC is overheat idiot it cant handle it atm OMG
click on ok and it is fixed!
virus imho
What did you increase your pagefile to?
its on 4990 which is the recommended :/ i rebooted my pc and the rendering went like 10 seconds longer and then got the same error message :|
Set your pagefile manually. Minimum should be your actual amount of RAM. Maximum should be 1.5 times the amount of actual RAM you have.

That should solve it, if not... then no idea. Not got much experience with Vegas.
Format C
rule 1: dont use vegas 9 :p
Works fine for me :P.
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