foods ala henkie

So i decided to make a healthy meal for once instead of eating pizza everyday :DD


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and ofcourse makaloni is nothing without a nice chateau cola :DDDD

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no dave, no food
waki in danger
get some proper res-_-
Mix voor Macaroni met Italiaanse groenten en kruiden
Have we got a new attention whore at crossfire? I do believe taking your time to upload pics of food on the web is futile, however some fags might like it.
its not fag, its just good that some ppl talk about somthing else then computer games all the time.
i know its a gaming community site but food is good :--)
henk, lekker dier
a good cook, ur not.
Wow, you went from pizza to macaroni, big step :PP
Knorr =]
you have the same silver bobbly kitchen desk as me :D:D:D:D
good job hnk-e !!!!
New Waki detected.
ofcourse he is my hero and inspiration of posting this,
more ppl shud show theyr cooking skillz :D
looks nice :P
well tbh it's just plain cola :D but i thought it'd look fancy in a wineglass :P
crossfire cooking lessons xD
there should be a cooking contest at cic7
Why in hell would ppl use this Knorr-fix whatever thing. Don't get it, it's full of bs :-(

Apart from that, pretty nice!
i took that cuz i didnt have any herbs n stuff and it said that the baggy contained it, normally i dont use it tho, and didnt taste much of it so i guess your right :D
Well, those bags got shitloads of flavour enhancer in there, that's what I really don't like about them. Ofc there's salt, pepper, herbs etc., normal stuff, in there.

They are also kinda expensive I think, atleast once you got the basic ingredients in your kitchen.
listen to this man when it comes to food!
wow! was one step away from being funny!
was it ment to be funny then?
i know it was and you failed 8<
looks mugh better than wakis latest...
looks good :)
you seriously drink coke from a wine glass? not that it's like against the law or anything but....U MAD???
that's what your momma said last night!! *drumrolls* :D
Gonna sleep now, good night.
No a glass of red server chilled!!!

that my friend , looks like a tasty meal
give me HNK
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