Ubisoft looks to net piracy solution

In a move to try and quell the ongoing piracy problem on PC, Ubisoft will require players of a selection of its future PC titles to have a constant connection to the internet.

Titles will constantly verify themselves via a connection to Ubisoft’s servers. To spruce up the offering Ubisoft will also introduce a feature that uploads player’s game setting, making their personal data portable across multiple PCs.


There seems to be a move in a direction that game publishing companies are indeed investing into the game service provider industry as so evidently pointed out in the article. This will force many smaller gsp's to either shut down or merge into a larger organization.

The fact is that many global isp/gsp's have been in contact with smaller gsp's in a move to obtain as much of the online gaming scene as possible. Some are hostile take overs and others are purely glad to sell their own clients at what ever cost so as to prevent further loss.

It is rumored that a particular gsp has been sold but will retain its online identity due to its branding within the higher end of gameserver providing and its investment into the broader spectrum of game publishing.

This will obviously cause a rift amongst several established non official alliances within the industry but will also allow the opportunity for some smaller game publishers to try their own talent without big brother telling them what not to do or what to do.

One might ask, how would such a move affect gaming communities ?

An obvious and yet questionable positive outcome would be a cleaner competition side of professional online gaming. This would also include the hiring of game modders to develop a more rigid game style approach without the whistles and bells. It has also been stated that such a control over game server side files might be the pivot point to attract sponsoring at level which was once the scene five years ago.

On the other hand, more and more are questioning the restrictions placed upon the consumer by the publisher as to not allow freedom of choice. This has been the case with the latest games and upcoming releases that will not release server side files. Many are quoted as saying that the server side files will be hacked and thus made available to the public.

I guess in due time we shall see who's idea will be enforced and at what cost.
Name 1 good ubisoft game

ok brb found one image: 44031
Prince of Persia, Beyond Good & Evil, Assassin's Creed, No More Heroes (fucking epic game), old Rayman, Rainbow Six.
Splinter Cell, The Settlers, Assasin's Creed, Call of Juarez, Prince of Persia, Brother's in Arms,
Prince of Persia, Beyond Good & Evil, Assassin's Creed, No More Heroes (fucking epic game), old Rayman, Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, The Settlers, Assasin's Creed, Call of Juarez, Prince of Persia, Brother's in Arms,
I like your taste.

Well, half of it.
I'm glad you like it. :-)
rainbow six :D
tango, neutralized.
prince of persia is one of the bests games ever published on the net.
the old one,not that shit 3D
go die? sands of time and so on where amazing, if not the best game ever alongside max payne. if you don't agree, don't reply to me!
nice engrish there!
and yeah,I dont fucking agree,guess you didnt play the old ones, these are real Legends. Max payne was "fine" but nothing special too.
dont talk bullshit, pop sands of time is one of the best games of the last decade, no doubt about that! mayb the old ones were also good but u cant claim SoT wasnt because you don't like it
if I cant claim SoT wanst good because I dont like it, then you cant claim it was good cuz you like it. same logic ^^
not true. i like it and it was rated very high by professional gamers who know way more about these things then we do, so it's just a fact that its a good game :> , i just agree with the pro's
said some random proffesional gamer -> its its objective? cmon? rating games will always be subjective
for a part mayb but not entirely
yeah,and who cares about "graphic" part? thats what I dont care about.
As a developer only Beyond Good & Evil.
crackable np, takes 3 days tops.

I tought GTA4 had a 500.000dollar anti piracy budget and it took a week or 2 to crack decently, but it's been cracked
people without net will suffer a lot...
unless the companies start streaming the content (which is quite unlikely unless they just stream textures or parts of it (honestly who plays games without any graphics:P)) there will always be a possibility to simply bypass those restrictions.

As long as you as a client recieve all the content you need there is no way for companies to protect their product from being pirated.
Well the idea of releasing half of the game itself and the other half resides on the servers is an option who some may feel is the only way to combat the piracy.

As for non-internet users, there would simply be another version to the game were by the purchase of it would be simply for non internet use. If for the customer wished to play online he would be required to purchase a particular extension upon paying making his now update game a full (half) patched version allowing him to play online.

There are way to combat piracy, its all about who is willing to take the first step and at what cost.
what about creating accounts for play, like on MP contents? for example COD4 keys or so, you need them to play online, make that also for offline too? or is it not possible
having logins is just a restriction - one that can be bypassed - simply because you have everything you need at hand and only have to alter it - you do not rely on the publisher what so ever
I guess SsAP answered your question, but it was a reasonable question to say the least.

If you would take the time to see how the market is geared to a self sustaining online video based market you will see that this is the beginning of an era. So when you reach the age of 50 you more than likely will not see and gsp's as you know them now. I am referring to their business model as working and profitable entity. What you more and most likely are to see is a centralized structure focusing on monitoring and data acquisition of users and there choice of preference.

Something similar has been applied to the auto industry. Haven't you noticed how identical the new model's look although they are from another company. Its referred to as Integration.
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