Jinosta LanDodge

His excuse :

15,13 17:32  @Validus`Jinosta 14• HI
15,13 17:32  @Validus`reAliZe 14• hey
15,13 17:32  @Validus`Jinosta 14• rich
15,13 17:32  @Validus`Jinosta 14• i dont' think i can come to lan mate
15,13 17:32  @Validus`Jinosta 14• granny just died :\
15,13 17:32  @Validus`Jinosta 14• just found out 5mins ago :(
15,13 17:32  @Validus`reAliZe 14• :o :<
15,13 17:32  @Validus`reAliZe 14• sorry to hear that
15,13 17:32 @Validus`Jinosta 14• sorry matew
15,13 17:32   • Validus`Jinosta is now known as Jinosta

Asif we believe that bollox excuse.
fake logs :p
Want a prinscreen?
what he is serious? :D
didnt he pay and stuff?

going to kick his head in
you say:

:o :<
sorry to hear that

and then you make a journal


Lol, care, its still a month wtf. In NL we bury ppl max 5 days after their death :/
exactly what i mean... Obvious landodge

And if he was so close to her that he wont get over it in a month, why would he be on irc to tell this and take his tag off, 5 minutes after the death :P
Some people are actually sad about losing a family member
Ye ofcourse, for a complete MONTH ...
and logon irc 5 minutes after hearing of the tragic death making you be in sorrow for so long
cause of the smell, there used to that in england (::::
yep, those damn english are filthy cunts, us scots however are more civilised -.-
please nothing, you are from liverpool which means you're a thieving cunt and poor living in a council house with 7 people..
your words mate, not mine!
Didn't say they were yours.. Now go suck landodging pricks cock, your out the team.
wtf? ive paid ffs dude you cant do this
grannys are underrated!
im sure he will get bored of the easy love after a month
obvious troll is obvious
less flame than rockstar so far, kewl
if my granny died i'd use lan as excuse to dodge funeral :p

(same granny for the ones who dont know ^^)
Now please... if this isnt enough evidence that he is clearly using something in ET to make him better then i dont know what is... Killerboy/eIM/other admins remove players like this from the community really...

Oh and who saw this coming? I didnt D:DX::XD:DX:DX:D
what do you want to see?

a picture of his dad grandmother in her casket as proof, with jinosta standing in front of it holding todays newspaper as proof its not a landodge?

cos i know i do :P

disclaimer * if it is true, my heartfelt apologies for taking the piss and best wishes to your family in this sad time.
Jinosta <3
mayb I can get his entrence fee muniez yes?
grandma dies and lets go to xfire wohooo
first thing he does when hes grandma dies is going on irc and tell everyone and that he cant go on lan....!?

sure, obvious hacker!
same what I thought lol!
wouldnt suprise me if its not a troll

cant spot the funnyness tho
shame jino :(
Killing relatives to dodge LAN.. Sounds nice. :D
how does that stop him?
I remember when my grandma was dying, and we had to look after her shitty fucking dog. The time my cat went apeshit and started attacking the dog is the funniest shit I've ever seen, I'll never forget that. It made up for all the times I got angry because of that retarded little stofzuiger.
pics/vids or never happened! :<
What does that have to do with anything?
I thought I'd make this journal more interesting.
1) prolly trolling
2) not funny though (like chmpp summarised pretty well)
3) wouldn't be a surprise though either
oh noez,mi smel excuz
<Jinosta> no just a joke
<Jinosta> im still going :D
<Jinosta> they posted it as a laugh
<Jinosta> :)

everyone getting mad for nothing
[18:34] <@Validus`Jinosta> rich you should make a cf post
[18:34] <@Validus`reAliZe> such a twat
[18:34] <@Validus`reAliZe> :D
[18:34] <@Validus`Jinosta> jinosta dodged lan
[18:34] <@Validus`Jinosta> :DDDD
[18:34] <@Validus`Jinosta> hahaha
[18:34] <@Validus`Jinosta> need 5th
[18:34] <@Validus`Jinosta> =DDD
[18:34] <@Validus`demente> :D
[18:34] <@Validus`reAliZe> u actually joking or coming?
[18:34] <@Validus`Jinosta> hahahahaha
[18:34] <@Validus`Jinosta> im coming

:) sorry for logs
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