nades now and yesterday

After having a conversation with my <3 cpu <3 about how ET seems to be played these days I decided to go through some stats and get some data.

2 years ago the average percentage of kills by nade in a match was around 4%
1 year ago it was 6%
now its around 9%

Now I didn't rly go through dozens of stats from each period, neither I did some math, those figures are just eye-made estimates, though I believe it's rather clear that the amount of kills made by nades has greatly increased over the years. The same goes for riflenades, though the increase ain't that great.

I was just bored and thought this is an interesting stuff :D

So either take it as a random info or feel free to elaborate on why this has happened over the years. :)
people gained experiance points
Reason this has happened is because of the wallhacks and knowing enemies positions.
no aim, no brain, only spam
Did you know, the allies nade does more damage than the axis nade, and the axis nade can be thrown further than the allies nade
proof or no kudos
the throw distance is afaik the same, but yes, one nade has more dmg but smaller splash radius while the other has greater splash radius and smaller dmg, dont rly know which one is which but i always found ?axis? (not sure) nades dealing me some dmg at distances id not expect them to :D
Well, you are kinda right, but it is about classes, not the axis / allies.

Soldier and engi nades give more damage from short distance, rest got wider splash damage but not such effective.
rly intresting
where did you read that stat ?
stats from team cze praccs
hmm. i can tell you why then :)
i think the game has become more about spawnkill the last years. Better timing on the nades, they were being thrown before also but less well timed, people found out they can be use nades effective when well timedminstead of just spamming them.(thats what i think im only playing for 3 years on ET so just on reviewing some older matchs from gtv :D)
i'd disagree, i used to play fops and i was pretty much always the guy who spawnkilled in every team i played in. Grenade spawnkill was much more efficient back in the old days. By 2008 (random guess) spawnkilling with nades has become useless as everyone has learned where those nades usually land and stuff (sure you still did some damage, but rarely got a kill). And when i specced some games lately it was no different... most of the nade kills are now made not at spawntime but at random time and places at which it is basically impossible to predict where the other team might be. I remember one braundorf game where i was pretty much only nading (controls defence) and did tens of kills by just nades, people laughing and saying i have wallhack, as a matter of fact i merely knew their spawn and thus could (experience) throw the nades at places at exactly the time when it was plausible for allies to get there after they have spawned.
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