need hon team

could play in some more or less organised team, psr around 1650-1700, decent skills

contact me here or ingame - klejf
I'm interested too
but youre bad!
take your best companion and challange us in 2on2 psrskillor
care, they gonna roll with pebblesdarklady!!!11
scout+nh , instawin , pwned n44b!
are you abondoning me bitch?
im also interested and besides that psr lies cause u always get a moron in ur team...
ti si slab.
ti si dober.
no u don't
psr dont say shit
+1, u can't win a gane alone :s at least not always
Sure you can, one can easily win those noobs only(<1500psr) games alone, which boosts your PSR by quite a lot.
well, but if your enemy is not retarded noob feeders, then it will be really hard, specially when u're with int hero, who got bashed 2-3 times in the begining cuz of teammates
+1 personally i like picking int heroes and facing fed scouts or nighthounds or predators etc is really hard, let alone soloing str heroes with 2.5k+ health.
i always play int chars, or any ranged, so i'm the one, who got the most focus, and I love when the try it hard, but failed :(
whats your hon acc name so i can pick magebane when i fight you? :D

mine is dxtrii , but nowadys i don't really play, cuz I hate to play public, i want 5v5 with team, or friends, or some people who i know, or anyone from crossfire
and how fun is it to waste 30-40 mins to rape noobs x-/
I'm sure your psr is lower than 1500. It actually means a lot
I guess it too-> excuse: I play only public games, with psr under 1600, I'm not pro, and I don't really care my stats, which means it doesn't matter if I lose or win.
I play public games aswell. I don't wanna say : you suck. I just wanted to say psr actually does mean something. It's based on winning percentage, creep kills , denies, xp/minute :p
I know it means something, ye if you play recently, or you take hon serious and want to be better. but for me, hon is just to play when i'm bored and so on, so for me, psr doesn't mean anything
and ye, i suck :D
Well, same goes for me ;D
then suckers > all :D
ssam kule w gre? wytlumacze sie ze gram tylko dla funu i to dla mnie nic nie znaczy!
if its below 1600 or 1650 it doesnt say a shit
but honestly, its impossible to be bad and have psr above 1650 or so, since the better players you play against, the more they rape the worse players, what makes your team insta lose, and you lose your psr

i would say the more psr you have the less k/d ratio means, its still important tho
"It's impossible to be bad and have psr above 1650"

Me and some friends played against 3 players 1750+ rating plus yesterday. They were bad.

You talk shit.
depending on the definition of being bad... i had a 1840 madman yesterday on a game and he ended on like 0/5 after 30 mins when they conceded, on the other hand he really owned as pebbles in the next game.

i rather meant average skills, ofc not every game is equal
High PSR is incredibly easy to farm and really doesn't have any meaning until you start reaching 1850+

That said, anyone with more than 20 games played with a PSR of under 1500 is going to be terrible.
i know this, i dont consider myself as pro, rather as i said a 1650-1700 player, 1850 games are rather exotic to me even though i still see some players with rating far higher than mine who let others roll them as they want.

my point was that you still can find a total noob even on a 1650+ game, who despite decent kd and win% brings his team down to a loss
"its impossible to be bad and have psr above 1650"

"my point was that you still can find a total noob even on a 1650+ game"
should have been "almost impossible", you have a point, but suppose you know what i mean ;q
"It's impossible to be bad and have psr above 1850"

Fix'd that for ya!
If you care about your stats/beta account (LOL) it's easy to get 1700+ rating
go back to ET nub !
like i can find a team ;t
need someone to teach me that game :(

they wanted to kick me out when i went into 5v5 noobs only unranked

you should go for scout or nighthound if you just started playing it, they are ridiculously easy to make kills with.
Quoteyou should go for scout or nighthound if you just started playing it, they are ridiculously easy to steal kills with.
diz game is not just bout the kills. but yea if u wan to fail a lot early on go for scout ,np
start with witch slayer, pyromancer or forsaken archer

easy one-button heroes
actually pyro and witch is a 3/4 b hero
ye, but easy to get used to
switched to jewrider last week :>
Start playing with no stats games and easy mode
im too pro for ya
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