
We just bought a CSS-server there and Ive to admit its the pure fucking ownage, for 7,50€ we got a top notch server without any delays nor pingspikes. Prolly gonna order for 3 or 6 month within the next week.

Keep the great work up and thanks a lot for providing gamers with the best quality/price rating there is
nice advertising
Are you hired by YCN ? Their ET servers are far from being anywhere near ownage.
no, not at all. pls die in a car accident.
no, you seem to be quite calm.
hi starzi
Too bad it's not the same for ET, been getting huge few second lagspikes on the servers... Sucks so hard you wanna look the war w/o server

German providers ftw :o))
wish I could say the same about their ET servers :)
heard this aswell I hope that their dutch servers wont suck that hard :P
obviously advertising.

admins, pls delete this thread and ban this faggot :)
Now the interesting thing is that we're actually supported by YCN, at least for LAN events, so I'm not sure what our policy on adverts for them is. And I'm not sure this is, anyway :D
In that case i'll make a deal with crossfire on behalf of netcoders, pay them a little for lans etc, then advertise here everyday, news posts and all, thanks for the loophole.
The only difference in that would be that you are actually advertising for good product.
the question is why dont they, in such case, advert in a "normal way", a banner or something in a side panel, instead of sending a guy that is pretending that he is a "one of us" :).
like you see my account isn't new nor it would make any sense to advert for CSS servers in a ET/CoD community. Obviously you are as dumb as the typical Pole and like you see in my latest journal I wont be the best choice to advertise for anything because I rather enjoy flaming here than beeing serious.

And Iam just satisfied with the things I paid for therefore I want to thank them that way because the usual css server cost around 3x - 10x of this price :)

cu blitzkrieg
you say "it would make any sense to advert for CSS servers in a ET/CoD community". But actually you are already making things that dont make any sense, like "thanking them" (ycn) on a crossfire. like all the staff will read it. seriously, where is the logic? :>

but perhaps you're right - you are just a flaming troll. in such case, im not going to feed you.

btw, so, you play a nationality card... too bad you completely missed. tschussikowski :).
Yes, actually the whole crew read this site, like you may have noticed we got a lot of YCN news or threads here.

And considering your ex-teams and your profile your definiatly a Pole. :)
"And considering your ex-teams and your profile your definiatly a Pole. :)"

haha, fail :).
hab dich mit iiky aufm server erwischt!
i heard their servers are full of cheater
Their ET control panel is really nice, but the servers aren't that stable. Still surely worth the money and fast delivery
Its always nice to hear when some one is satisfied with the services we offer.

We do not run any sort of secret advertising campaigns so you will never see one of us spamming any communities regarding our services. However you may occasionally see us running a free promotion to give back to the community, like the current vent one which we just started here:
2bad et servers are screwd :/
Oh that explains it

we're funding awesome css servers with our money and same time we get these shit laggy ET servers in return. Gonna change my server and start css-career. Noone treats me like that anymore!
Dont get a bnc off them there crap, offline more than on and if you try to kill it off the fooker keeps rejoining and joins there channel that I never used to idle in anyway, ended up just renaming it and letting it do what ever, got a reliable one now :-)
good servers idd
there are big differents between et and cs servers....
too bad you still suck at css :)
thats not advertising. got to agree, we bought that server yesterday and there's nothing to complain about! :)
I bought a kitkat. Was really satisfied.
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