Aliens vs Predator - demo

image: a9wrbm

So the demo is out. I downloaded it about hour ago, had some difficulties with joining a server ( it's multi only) since there are no dedicated servers at the moment. The game itself is pretty nice although you need some time to adapt 'styles' of each 'class'. Anyone else tried it?
Not tried it yet, downloading via Steam now.
I can't get it working. When Im trying to run it, Steam just say "game is currently unavailable". :(
Not bad, just not bad.
shit game, i have artefacts while playin, dunno why
do u need steam to play it? :<
dont have that shit
I'm not sure since i downloaded it using Steam. I guess you need it.
It's fun but the gameplay is way too slow.
"Aliens vs Predator - demo"

Why should they release an already existing game?
thought the same
I can't connect to server. I did once but it wouldnt go any further than loading..... Now it wont find another server.
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