Weekend fever!

Happy weekend croooooossfire :D!

So I've been up to like 3:30 this morning with 4 other guys from my study class, it kinda ended up we all was in the same MSN conversation and one of us said "The one who leaves msn first, is fucking gay"....So it ended up with a 3½ hour conversation to around 3:30, before one of them felt asleep and we other could go to bed :D

Then we was fucking wasted at school, I don't think I was awake 10% of the biology lesson (A man talking for 80mins about shit? cmon)

Then we went to have a couple of beer and stuff, and decied that we are going a bit north to DenmarkTKN appartment and then we just gonna go crazy downtown ;)

Saturday: Gotta get picked up 7:30 of my parents (we are going to my granddads 87' bday) and gonna stay there untill the evening

Sunday: Going up north again and then we gonna make a SuperBowl party all night, and then go to school after ;)


your plans?

comment on this song

prediction: next clubhit tbh...Tiësto & Furtado = <333
Bowling, ref in soccer on saturday, and play soccer myself on sunday! <3
clubhit is old.
det lyder nice, hf
Amazingly interesting coversation btw! "Are you gone yet?" - "No, you?" - "nah me neither, let's sit here and nolife some more!" - " yea, good idea"

...*time passes by*

"you still here?"
"damn, how about you(3rd guy?)"
*no reply
"Yehi, we won, now we can go to bed aswell"

cool story bro

yesterday i bet me friend becouse he dont think i could drink 10 beers in half an hour
weekend fever is the best, u can make an valid excuse why u are not going out, so people won't find out uve no life!!!
What about the team then ?
i'm glad that tiesto stopped making trance and is now into pop. he was shit anyway.
Sunday: SUPERBOWL with some m8s and then 2 weeks holidays
1st week: getting drunk every day @ mountains
2nd week: dunno >:
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