Will ET ever be like this again? :(

Example: CB Eurocup XV

Insignia Cadre - cadein, chmpp, kmble, lettu, mulsu, twidi, squall
dignitas - night, r3vers, reload, jakazc, urtier, senji, sol, kot
uC - jonas, kiitos, nils, nordan, nuggan, tornis
zerobarrier - mesq, lio, zeto, ziff, snot, overboost, bull

pro5 - keran, shy, hatred, butchji, drago, gifty, ramin, potter, rapture
FF - jc, r1co, s4rna, smi, wiesiek, wrobel
Auxilia - blaze, kris, flixx, snuble, gjerry, humm3l, eddie
n1ce - asdino, lothar, mama, sick, vegeta, xet, kan0wne, dr3am

Evolve - perfo, kris, xylos, toxic, fobje, snoop, razz, sqzz
TLR - acozz, dav1d, maus, marv, clown, winghaven
Incomplete - matias, raptor, reikkeri, sanda, spirea, stuka
Morrigu - efax, kitty, leonneke, n30, rocky, wesbo

Impact - m1lk, mystic, raveneye, tekoa, tiigeri, xpaz
vae - fireball, fobje, gotti, iron, sheep, vegi
k1ck - abort, bullvox, chaoz, gunner, lightning, zerender
elite - cs4f1, day, frozz, future, intact, teente, us4rmy, lotix

- Evolve
- pro5

Good times, where there were actually skilled teams in EC :-(
back then et was already shit
ive always been shit
haste gestern trackmania gezockt ?
and you are?
if you get those people back. sure.
Finland Insignia Cadre, one of ET's best teams imo. And that tag, absolutely splendid!
lettu best player
as a team doesn't have a chance at reaching top
In the current scene they would be top-3 with the best 5 from that line-up imo.
not during activity, if they couldn't do it then they can't do it now
They finished 3rd in Qcup and topped their group in EC (with dignitas) only to lose to both finalists in the play-offs. If they were not top-3 back then, they surely were as close to it you ever could be.
ahah :D isnt even that long ago!
Louis who?

No because zeto is banned till 2019...
that was lowest EC at that time btw :|
as snoop said,this isnt any oldschool
who cares who he is.

et can be like that again, sure. anything is possible. some of those people are gone and have moved on, but now there's room for new people to shine.
long are gone the days of glory :)
mama cheaterlover
and thats even wrong lup!
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people like you don't give a chance to new people

EC is getting higher year by year
New people with under 1 year guid with no previous track of their older guids?

I think we should give the newfags a chance, honestly!

those 'newfags' are the future of ET, considering people quit as they find some other more amusing shit to do, so don't diss them :o))
I agree on you putting "newfags" in quotes since most of them are previously busted cheaters, thx to killerboy and other guys. So yeah,"new" ppl will always keep coming :))
you are talking about yourself now, aren't you?
It can never be like this because we are playing 5on5
actually with 5v5 mode beeing forced in most competitions its quite like that. Maybe not so many 'oldschool' names but there's also nobody dominating the scene and you can't really say who's gonna win anything :) so i guess its not that bad :)
n1ce at EC!? lowest EC ever
fu we werent that bad back then with that lineup :(
The only problem I have with that season (EC XV) is that the winners (evolve) never got to play against the defending champions (dignitas) from the previous season, and we really wanted to, so we could prove we actually deserved the EC gold :(
You were supervisor right?
Supervisor and co-leader/backup for evolve, ye.
amazing lineups tbfh
many of the players mentioned there are still playing - so go and form some high class teams :P
not without n30
Morrigu - efax, kitty, leonneke, n30, rocky, wesbo

sicne when did fobje play for 2 teams in one EC?
CPC2 !
Wasn't considered as a highskilled EC anymore as Yossarian stated.. Not that it wouldn't have been but people were already then longing for "The days of glory" (c) Ensam
that was a shitty ec
random names and random teams, who cares.
what a shitty ec, no lepari
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