Mouse fucked up..

Due to an old windows? My mouse settings seems to change by itself. I dont use my pc often in last time but when i'd like to play settings are always gone. :\ got a razer copperhead. Anyone same probs? Greetz to all. Have good sunday. Thanks for help :*
no help for you sorry!
yes i had with my old g5, just kept chaging it back to my own setttings, after a few days it stopped
explain more ^^
It's like mystic ;) the figures at settings are still same but the mouse feels different. So everytime i start playing i need to find new sense. Mouse is only half year old. So i thought maybe it is my windows.
Oh I know that, not fixable, I've tried ^^

e: :o
use dinput, switch to linux
I would like to see if it's a windows conflict somewhere so linux would be a great way to do that but the problem is that I don't know anything about it, where to start? :S
use rinput from abort, and check if the problem still exists, if yes, your mouse/usb ports are fucked, else its a windows driver related problem
ye tried that already, it's actually worse
have you ever tried the ps/2 port?
well theres a nice forum explaining this problem but people seem to have this across the board but mostly on Intel C2D setups but also some amd users. My guess was that it's the chipset driver or the motherboard itself because after that is installed (any version) the lag starts creeping in, usually it's fine for a few hours or until you reboot 2-3 times. Someone said it might just be that the second core is going in and out of some energy saving mode even tho it's off and is causing the stutter or messing up the input but who knows. I'd rly like to get a new mobo but it seems like it happens on all boards but then some people have one where it happens and another one where everything is perfectly smooth :S Cba to buy a new mobo until I find out for sure, else it's just wasted money ;/

e: ye it's not the usb, it happens on ps2 @200hz aswel, it'S actually really bad there. Funny thing tho is that the usbupdate.exe from the chipset driver seems to make it a little less laggy but ONLY if it's used in safemode and even then the lag get's so bad you can hardly see anything from all the mini mousestuttering and weird tearing like picture.. can't even enjoy action movies cuz it runs smooth but it looks like it stutters or skips frames which makes fast turns look really fucked up.. kinda like having no gfx drivers installed when you pull a window just so fast that it looks smooth ^^
get linux, i guess such problems wont appear on linux kernels
Any version that would be easy to install this newer hardware on? I don't wanna dl some version just to see it doesn' support my new hardware :S How is suse live cd?
use ubuntu live cd
be sure to disable the mosue accel in the ET config :)
maybe you are the problem and not your mouse/windows...

QuoteI dont use my pc often in last time

maybe it feels strange because you dont play often?
Sure your not clicking your DPI buttons on the side? and that mouse gets a lot of dust in the sensor so blow the dust out or clean it with a cotton bud will make your sense feel different!

btw im Gerrard on facebook :P
England Steven Gerrard?
something like that :P
are you using the razer drivers or plug and play?
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